
Drinking at the kiddush/brocha

In reference to your article about overspending on bar and bat mitzvahs (February 16 issue), there is a related issue that needs to be addressed – the drinking that takes place after shul.



Jon and Jodi Kaplan, Johannesburg

For a good few weeks, we went to a shul in Sandton. What disturbed us was seeing a group of adults who sit drinking after the kiddush/brocha until they are practically drunk. This all takes place while there is a shiur happening in the shul.

We heard that prominent members of the shul had raised this issue on a regular basis many years ago, but no action was taken. This is an issue in a few other shuls, too.

It is surely inappropriate and unhealthy for a community to be advocating such behaviour. We would hope that the rabbis of these communities make the changes that are required.


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