Letters/Discussion Forums

Drug trafficking article has no interest for SA community



I find the article, “SA chiropractor in Melbourne jail pleads guilty to drug trafficking”, SA Jewish Report, 26 February 2021, in extremely bad taste. It smacks of sensationalism.

It happened more than two years ago, and in Australia. What possible benefit or interest could the article have for the Jewish population in South Africa?

The only outcome of this article is to worsen the anguish of the family here and in Australia.

I find it disgusting that you would even think about printing it! Jews face enough criticism, and this just adds fuel to the debate.

I used to hold the SA Jewish Report in high regard, but not anymore.

We covered the story because we are a newspaper that deals with things related to and of interest to the Jewish community. This was undoubtedly such a story. We certainly did not sensationalise it and kept very much to the fact that this South African-born and educated man pleaded guilty to the crime of drug trafficking. Should we have been suppressing this or ignoring this? I think not. – Editor

1 Comment

  1. Harold

    March 15, 2021 at 5:05 am

    Les I agree with the Editor !
    In fact your letter smacks of sensationalism !
    This is what journalism is all about.
    I want to hear about world news including that which involves a former member of our community.
    Your view appears to favour censorship which I oppose

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