
Elections 2024 – South Africa on a precipice



Elections are upon us. Should we be heading to the airport in anticipation of an ANC/EFF coalition or buying houses in Sandton before a DA victory?

On 29 May, South Africa goes to the polls. For the first time in 30 years, the ANC is unlikely to win a majority. Will there be an ANC/EFF alliance? Will the DA lose the Western Cape? What does the rise of uMkhonto we Sizwe mean? Who should you vote for? What should we expect on election day and what will happen in the chaotic days that follow as potential coalitions get smelted in the fires of democracy?

We ask the experts:

Wayne Sussman – ENCA election analyst

Queenin Masuabi – Daily Maverick political journalist

Ivor Chipkin – New South Institute and author of Shadow State: The Politics of State Capture

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