
Eli Rabinowitz explains Partisan song to KDVP learners

Jewish geneology expert Eli Rabinowitz regaled King David High School Victory Park staff and learners last Wednesday with the background to the well-known Partisan song, Zog Nit Keynmol (Never say this is the final road for you).




Rabinowitz explained how this poem, a symbol of defiance and protest, inspired and gave Jews courage to fight against the Nazis. The lyrics come from the poem written by Hirsh Glick in 1943 and then sung to the tune of a Russian song “Terek Cossacks” written in 1937.

Glick’s attempt to escape the Vilna Ghetto failed and he was recaptured and executed. 

Rabinowitz, born in Cape Town and now living in Perth, is not a Jewish educator by profession. However, his passion for collaborative learning has encouraged thousands of Jews worldwide to benefit and participate from his pursuit on topics of Jewish interest.   

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