
Enjoy the glitz and glamour – at home
We will be bringing you a constant stream of updates of information and photographs starting on the red carpet, through the social interactions, the entertainment, and the awards.
As each of the Humanities awards are announced and handed out, the live blog will publish information about the winners – and, later, interviews with them.
During the dinner and entertainment we will sketch the glitz and glamour, constantly adding pictures and interviews.
When it comes to the Business Awards, as the 40-or-so finalists in four categories are introduced to the celebrity audience, so will they be to SAJR users at home. As the winners are announced, you’ll read about it in the comfort of your own lounge.
We will report on the winners’ speeches and so we will follow the events – constantly ensuring our users are kept as up-to-date as the audience at Vodaworld.
Finally, once all is said and done, we will publish the spectacular glossy 72-page event magazine (which will also be inserted into all newspapers next week.)
Be able to say: ‘I was there too!’
And, by the time your snobby friends call you on Monday to tell you how great it was, you’ll be able to say: “I was there too!”
See Wednesday’s newsletter for a more detailed running order of events so you can plan your Sunday around our live blog.
Why not have some friends or family around, plug your laptop into your TV and make a home event out of it? Popcorn et al! All you have to do is push the refresh button on your PC every now and then.