
Errr… Did you hear the one about…?

I am writing this as a personal opinion piece as much of it comes from rumour and people who do not want to be quoted. I have no doubt that the puzzle pieces will fall into place over the coming days. I also intend to publish some considerable research I have undertaken about Rabbi Nachman, the founder and Rebbe of Breslov Chareidim – and the ups and downs of the Breslov organisation since…




Can the truth please stand up?

I am writing this as a personal opinion piece as much of it comes from people who do not want to be quoted. Everything is second-sourced and I have no doubt that the puzzle pieces will fall into place over the coming days.

I also intend to publish some considerable research I have undertaken about Rabbi Nachman, the founder and Rebbe of Breslov Chareidim – and the ups and downs of the Breslov organisation since. Rabbi Nachman was either the the great grandson of, or the son-in-law of, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, who led one of the greatest spiritual revivals-renewals ever to occur among the Jewish people some two hundred years ago. This is an interesting story indeed.

Here’s the rumour-mill:

Here are some of the news leads I am following up at the moment. Let me stress that these are leads and this is an opinion piece. Only once they are fact-checked will they become news. Think of them as rumours:

  • Berland’s supporters tried to bribe his way back into Zimbabwe
  • Berland has many wealthy supporters in SA, mostly Israeli and some scary
  • While in Zimbabwe a supporter delivered supplies to him weekly in a Lear Jet
  • 600kg of Shmura Matzos are among the Pesach supplies left behind at his Bulawayo compound
  • Berland was deported on an Airlink flight via SA
  • SA did not want to let him in and he was supposedly held by customs officials
  • The plan was for hi8m to be put on a plane to Israel or his port of embarkation when first coming through SA
  • Someone arranged for him and twelve followers to be transported out of ORT without going through passport control (for a fee, no doubt, if this is true)
  • The search warrant related to either embezzled or laundered money
  • SAPS has denied it was their raid but they know of it. “Try the Hawks,” thay said
  • A Hawks spokesman will get back to me in the morning regarding a list of questions
  • Berland’s family have been linked to money laundering and fraud in Israel
  • His SA friends are not averse to using such services
  • Rabbi Berland is hiding out in the Free State or is in South America

  • Exactly who does Berland need to hide from in SA – and why?

    Rabbi Berland, wherever you are in SA or the world, I am sure someone will bring this to your attention: I would like to interview you. We can do it over skype if you choose so I don’t know your location. We can do it in English or Ivrit. Heck, I’d be happy to do it in Yiddish if you prefer. Just contact me at: online.editor@sajr.co.za

Related reads on this website

14 APRIL: Chief Rabbi: Don’t shelter Berland

14 APRIL: Goldstein calls for protest

19 APRIL: “Some One” posts dissenting view

23 APRIL: “Kids need stable environment” -reader

23 APRIL: “Chasidic kids need stable environment” -reader

23 APRIL: Fugitive Rabbi, followers, cause uproar

23 APRIL: Did you hear the one about…?

23 APRIL: Vid of R. Berland & Co’s Purim bash

23 APRIL: Secrecy & silence leave community confused

23 APRIL: Ant’s speculative Op-ed and what to expect


  1. Yossi

    April 24, 2014 at 3:26 pm

    ‘There is already an interview with Rabbi Berland from after he left Zimbabwe and entered into Johannesburg. 
    \nYou can hear the
    \ninterview here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0agi36QLsk (if it is hard for you to make out what is said I can send you the text)
    \nAs far as I know he has no desire to be interviewed again.
    \nIf you are looking for more information see here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0zRmjODQss  (see also other videos from that channel)
    \nAnd here http://chasifathaemet.blogspot.co.il/
    \nSee this facebook page
    \n(scroll down a year ago from when the story broke) https://www.facebook.com/meir.saimon?fref=nf
    \nBasically you have a lot of research to do before taking sides and giving strength to the accusations. Please do whats good for humanity and not what is only good for the newspapers ratings and your standing as a journalist. And remember there are a
    \ngroup of very powerful and wealthy people whose sole intention is to cause harm to the Rabbi and continue to spread the lies wherever he may travel. Those people have sent you material and are feeding you
    \ninformation against the Rabbi with the intention of arousing the community against him as it seems they have succeeded. So you must take everything they
    \nsay with a grain of salt, and do real serious research to get close to the truth.’

  2. Israeli

    April 26, 2014 at 8:35 am

    Yossi, What is the truth? I can you give you numerous reasons why a group of pious individuals should not leave their Homeland, Eretz Yisrael.

    Please can you give us one (truthful) reason for your groups’ travels in chutz’laAretz.

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