
Esther Gecelter can start packing for ‘trip of a lifetime’

One of the highlights on the annual Union of Jewish Women calendar is the announcement of the winner of the much anticipated “Bobba/Zaida” trip.




Pictured:  Esther Gecelter with her bag and treats that she won in the UJW’s “Bobba/Zaida” competition.

On Wednesday June 24, at the weekly UJW Friendship Club lunch, Elaine Katz, convener of the project, announced that Esther Gecelter, a regular attendee of the Friendship Club lunch, had won. 

Gecelter, who has not seen her granddaughters for 12 years, was overjoyed and spoke lovingly of them through her tears. When she last saw them, they were toddlers and she has missed out on watching them grow into young adults.

Heart-warming letters from the family were read out and there was barely a dry eye among those present.

In her address, Katz described the reality with which so many elderly members of our community live every day – that of family members having emigrated and being left behind. 

In response to this, the UJW initiated its outstanding “Bobba/Zaida” project and each year invites applicants from the community to participate.  

This project that has been in existence for many years and the trip is a prize of a lifetime, affording a wonderful opportunity to a bobba or zaida to meet grandchildren and see children whom they have not met or seen for many years, due to financial constraints.

In addition to receiving a return ticket to visit family anywhere in the world – which is sponsored by an anonymous donor – the winner is also presented with spending money, classy luggage, sturdy shoes, elegant clothing, and for the women, lingerie, a hairdo and a manicure. 

A dream come true, and with thanks to the extraordinarily generous sponsors of all the prizes – sponsors who have supported the UJW since the inception of the project.  


1 Comment

  1. Joan

    July 2, 2015 at 11:41 am

    ‘Absolutely wonderful


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