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Europe becoming more rightwing

I’m almost positive that the terrorist attack in Paris recently came as no surprise to the world. Anyone following European politics will tell you that the rightwing parties in Europe are becoming increasingly vociferous and dare I say, powerful.



Nathan Cheiman

The problem is immigration and the lack of jobs available to citizens in European countries .The Muslim population also have not endeared themselves to the Europeans.

There is another issue and that is the rise of radical Islam. The world is currently embroiled in a fight against what was previously known as ISIS. The savagery of radical Islamists has been well-documented.

As much as the moderate Muslims condemn the attacks on innocent people, by radical Islamists, it is not enough. The radicals emanate from within a close-knit Muslim society.

An example of this are the two brothers who carried out the killings in Paris. It is not reasonably possible to believe that their families were unaware of this. How can one have a rocket grenade launcher and conceal such a huge weapon from anyone?

It can’t be done and therefore ordinary Muslims cannot just pay lip service to these heinous acts by condemning them.

Can one imagine what would happen if Jews were responsible for these attacks?

Mind you, there have been reports of virulent anti-Semites suggesting that these attacks were by Jews, masquerading as Muslims!

The fact of the matter is that despite these idiotic suggestions by the lunatic fringe, Islam has spawned these killers – Not only in France, but in Iraq, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Libya and many other countries.

How is it that the Qur’an can be interpreted by its followers in so many different ways?

We, as Jews, are by nature a democratic people. Can Israel afford to be democratic?

If you consider the events that took place in Germany during the last century, the Land of Israel is the only haven where Jews can be safe.

Northcliff, Johannesburg

Letter edited to remove racist content   -Online Editor


  1. Gary Selikow

    January 15, 2015 at 1:31 pm

    ‘Im all for this . Europe’s people should not have to tolerate Muslim aliens assaulting pensioners and young people being assaulted by Islamists or girls being groomed , pimped and raped by Muslim gangs (thousands of young girls have had this done to them in Britain)

    OR Muslims declaring Sharia zones, attacking girls for being dressed wrong, or banning dogs from the park because Muslims dont like dogs.

    The ADL, SWC and Searchlight (all left-fascists)  and all the liberal/left Jewish supporters of multicturalism and mass immigration dont speak for me at all

    Im a hundred percent behind groups that want to restrict mass immigration and not let Muslims have special rights over anyone else

  2. nat cheiman

    January 18, 2015 at 3:33 pm

    ‘They leave their countries for a better life. Europe gives them a home. They don’t like western culture so they decide that sharia is the way and they want to make their host countries like the sewerage pits they leave behind.

    And \”you know who \”has become a real problem for the west. America and Oz have got their finger on the pulse but Europe has problems’

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