
Evidence of evil in document trail



As a journalist, I’ve covered a lot since 7 October. I’ve been down to the south, walked the killing fields of Kfar Aza, Nahal Oz, the Nova site, and more. I’ve looked into the eyes of the families of hostages as they have pleaded for us to keep telling the stories of their loved ones to remind the world to fight for their release.

I’ve interviewed lawyers and first responders who gathered the evidence to speak for our women and men who have been and continue to be sexually violated by Hamas. I’ve seen more footage and photography of the atrocities committed by Hamas than the human soul can bear, but this week I saw the evidence of another side of this evil.

As journalists, we’re recorders of history, witnesses that often speak for those who cannot, storytellers of events and the pursuers of truth. Since 7 October, it has been at times an excruciating job, but one that’s almost sacred. In the face of growing denial, we have a duty to remind the world of what happened that Black Sabbath.

I was invited with a small group of journalists to view evidence at the Israel Intelligence Commemoration Centre (IICC) that the Israel Defense Forces intelligence captured in Israel and Gaza on 7 October and throughout Operation Swords of Iron. It’s a chilling testament to the depths of evil and meticulous planning that resulted in the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and of foreign nationals. There’s no end to the depths of the depravity, in intention and action.

Evidence includes examples from the arsenal of weapons used by Hamas terrorists such as Bangalores to breach fences and walls; rocket-propelled grenades; AK-47s; bayonets; thermobaric bombs; grenades; improvised explosive devices; and much more, as well as headbands; identity documents; backpacks; and personal effects belonging to various terror factions.

Guides and manuals found on terrorists included Islamic State instructions on how to create a toxic gas weapons. Two of the motorcycles that were among those used by the terrorists are also on display. Hamas breached Israel at 30 different points, and entered in 150 pick-up trucks and 350 motorcycles. Its intention was to get as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Kidnapping kits taken from the backpacks of terrorists are testimony to how meticulously planned the invasion was. The plan was to kidnap as many civilians as possible, and take them to Gaza. Kidnapping kits include tourniquets, syringes, tasers, and drugs to take hostages. Hostages had more value alive than dead, but we know now how many corpses were kidnapped as well.

The most chilling part of the exhibition is the collection of documentation and evidence of incitement. Operational orders found included the instructions, “Know that this enemy of yours is an incurable disease, except for head decapitation and uprooting hearts and livers.” A translation document explains how to say Hebrew phrases such as “women here”, “children here”, “take off your pants”, and “take off your clothes”.

Other documents include detailed layout of a training area designed to look like a kibbutz, and plans for where to kidnap civilians. A map of Kibbutz Be’eri with neighbourhoods clearly marked was also found. The map, found on one of the Hamas terrorists, had been torn up as he tried to destroy it before it was discovered. It shows areas of entry into the kibbutz, after Hamas gathered intelligence from Gazans who worked on the kibbutz and had entered Israel with work permits. The area purposely targeted contained the houses to the south side of the kibbutz where families with young children lived.

Evidence from Gaza included copies of Mein Kampf translated into Arabic, and documents proving employment at UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), as well as photographs and the identity documents of Ashraf Mahd el Madhoun, an Islamic Jihad operative, posing with his family. He was an employee of UNRWA. Hamas would regularly have property ownership relationships with UNRWA, and there’s a collection of signed contracts as well as certificates of course completion.

We hear a lot about incitement in the Palestinian Territories, but when you’re confronted with the evidence of it, it’s a punch to the solar plexus. One of the most popular books found in your average Gazan home, displaying the level of indoctrinated from cradle to grave, is a book for children about killing Jews with their car.

There are also books about the “history of the Jews”, in which the worst antisemitic tropes are presented as fact. There are numerous books of collections of religious decrees or fatwas that share religious justification to commit the unspeakable atrocities that were committed on 7 October.

As journalists who have covered the atrocities, seen the footage and photos, and are familiar with the methods used by Hamas and other terror organisations, hearing medical and forensic explanations was as horrific as it was in the days and weeks that followed the invasion. I’ll spare you the details.

The IICC will open a permanent exhibition of the evidence on 7 October 2024 which will be open to the public. “Major T”, who guided us through the evidence, told us, “People can see that 7 October was well planned for many years. It’s important for people to see what happened because there’s so much denial.”

Evil exists. I know, because I saw the evidence with my own eyes.

  • Rolene Marks is a Middle East commentator often heard on radio and TV, and is the co-founder of Lay of the Land and the SA-Israel Policy Forum.

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