
Exposing Jewish crooks is not ‘lashon harah’

While I differ from you on some matters, I support your exposure of Jewish crooks. Such exposure is not lashon harah (gossip). Keep up the good work!



David Grinker, Johannesburg

I look forward to your paper every week. There is always something worth reading. 

1 Comment

  1. Mervyn Pincus

    July 18, 2019 at 11:39 am

    ‘I agree wholeheartedly with David’s opinion.Lashon Harah occurs when family of alleged frum crooks castigate honest journalists.

    It is a sad day indeed when family of crooks lose their moral compasses and run into a laager manipulating Torah Judaism for their own expedient ends.

    As Monty Python said, which is applicable to our own crook, “ He is not The Messiah, he is a very naughty boy “’

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