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Farewell to Zola Skweyiya

ANC veteran Dr Zola Skweyiya, who died this week at age 75, put great effort into finding a lasting solution to the Middle East conflict.




The SA Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) said on Wednesday that it had worked closely with this former minister and member of the ANC national executive committee.

Wendy Kahn, national director of the SAJBD, said Skweyiya was one of the special envoys appointed by formerpresident Jacob Zuma to finding a solution to the Middle East.

“To this end, we appreciate the tireless diplomatic effort he put into finding resolutions to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,” she said.

Zuma appointed Skweyiya and Aziz Pahad as his special envoys to the Middle East Peace Process in 2014. The envoys visited the region to exchange views on a possible way forward and to hold talks with both sides to the conflict.

In 2011, in his capacity as SA High Commissioner to the UK, Skweyiya spoke at the launch of the book, Jewish Memories of Mandela, by David Saks. The book chronicles the story of former president Nelson Mandela and the anti-apartheid struggle through the lives and recollections of Jewish South Africans who were part of it. He spoke highly of the South African Jewish community’s contribution to the country.

Skweyiya’s life was devoted to the party he joined in 1956‚ notably serving as minister of social development (1999-2009) and before then, as minister of public service and administration (1994-1999). He became an MP in 1994‚ after which he held the two ministerial portfolios.

Condolences have poured in on social media for Skweyiya, who is remembered for his hard work. Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Dr Zweli Mkhize said on Wednesday: “He was one of the highly respected legal minds and intellectuals of our movement. He was known as a voice of reason and always demonstrated maturity and depth of understanding of the complexity of our political situation.”

Skweyiya was part of the veterans who called for Zuma to step down.

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