
Fed, others slate attack, Hamas & Co rejoice

The South African Zionist Federation’s (SAZF) National Chairman Ben Swartz (pictured) condemned yesterday evening’s terrorist truck-ramming attack in Jerusalem early this morning. Read what others had to say as well…




“Latest outrage”

The South African Zionist Federation’s (SAZF) National Chairman Ben Swartz (pictured) condemned yesterday evening’s terrorist truck-ramming attack in Jerusalem early this morning. Read what others had to say as well…

The SAZF “strongly condemns the latest Terror attack against the people and State of Israel,” said Swartz in a statement to the community. “Yesterday, whilst of a group of IDF soldiers were disembarking from a bus in Jerusalem, a Palestinian terrorist used a truck to plough into the group at full speed -killing four and wounding eleven.” 

Members of ZAKA search and rescue organization gather human remains for burial


This, said Swartz, is just the “latest outrage in a string of terrorist attacks that Israelis have endured over the last decade.” Weapons have included bombs, guns, knives and cars, Swartz told the SA Jewish community. “And now trucks,” he added. 


Jubilation from Palestinian terrorist groups


HAMAS. the militant fundamentalist Islamic organisation in power in Gaza, praised the attack in a statement posted on the Facebook page of its spokesman. “The continuous operations in the West Bank and Jerusalem prove that the Jerusalem intifada is not an isolated event, but rather a decision by the Palestinian people to revolt,” the post read.

The moment the truck struck– SEE VIDEO

Other praises of the attack by Hamas included: “We bless the courageous and heroic truck operation in Jerusalem,” the group tweeted. Fawzi Barhoum, the movement’s spokesperson, lauded the attack as a “courageous act in defence of the holy sites and especially Al Aqsa mosque.”

Barhoum added that the attack proves that the Israeli oppression “will only increase the determination of the Palestinian people to continue its heroic resistance in all its forms.”

Hamas welcomed the attack, saying the carnage is a “natural reaction” to the “crimes of the occupation,” and what the terrorist group claimed was the infringement on the “Palestinians’ rights” and their holy sites.

The Iran-backed ISLAMIC JIHAD said the deadly attack represented “a natural reaction to the crimes of the Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.”

Pro-Hamas journalist, Adham Abu Slamiyeh, tweeted a picture of Palestinians handing out sweets, with the following caption: “The sweets of the attack are in. Allah bless the men of Jabel Mukaber” class=”sfImageWrapper”>Fed head Ben Swartz’ letter to the community reminded SA Jewry and Israelis living in SA that “as violence has engulfed the (Middle East) region, the Palestinian leadership continue to encourage and endorse these acts of terror.”

The world, said Ben, must “continue to stand together and condemn the hate and bigotry that fuel these heinous acts and take the lives of innocent people.”

The SAZF, he said, “extends our heartfelt condolences to the people of Israel and the families of Yael Yekutiel; Shir Hajaj; Shira Tzur and Erez Orbach as well as a speedy recovery to those injured.”

Swartz’ community statement ended with a message to all South Africans: “We call on all peace-loving South Africans to condemn all acts of terror as a method of intimidation and to encourage dialogue between all parties,” he said.


  1. Choni

    January 9, 2017 at 1:28 pm

    ‘And, yesterday Jacob Zuma urged S.Africans not to visit Israel.

    A word to the wise is sufficient.’

  2. nat cheiman

    January 9, 2017 at 7:09 pm

    ‘BDS & arab states ( incl SA) have been silent. 

    Silence is consent (or acquiesence) as they say.

    \”Free Palestine \” is correctly depicted ( the meaning thereof) in the photo of a man holding up a poster reading \” Free Palestine is code for Kill the Jews\”. 

    Until attitudes change, peace is but a figment.’

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