
FED’s elective conference & Expo in March

Opening promises to be glitzy affair with great guest speakers sharing knowledge, acumen and analytical observations about and around Israel & ME. Live entertainment and audio-visual presentations will also feature on the evening’s programme on 7 March. Then it’s down to the hard work for the 8 March Conference which runs into the SA Israel Expo.




The Gala Opening session of the Conference will take place on Saturday Evening at the Sandton Convention Centre and will commence promptly at 8pm in the Pavilion on Level 5. Guests must be seated by 7.45 for security reasons

The Conference Proceedings will then continue on Sunday 8 March on Level 2 at the Convention Centre.


The Conference promises to be a glittering affair with outstanding guest speakers who will enthuse and invigorate the audience with their knowledge, acumen and analytical observations about and around Israel and the Middle East. Live entertainment and audio-visual presentations will also feature on the evening’s programme.  

The theme of the 48th Conference – ISRAEL, NATION OF CREATION, will be the flourishing and exciting Israel of today. It will highlight her achievements and her excellence, and present to the anticipated audience of thousands the picture of a country which, while mired in controversy, continues to advance, develop and progress.

The business proceedings of the conference will be conducted on Sunday 8 March 2014

GUEST SPEAKERS (see more on flyer below story)

As a result of the forthcoming elections in Israel, which take place the week after the SAZF Conference, planned speaker Michael Oren will not be able to attend.

The guest speakers are as follows:

  • NIR BARKAT was elected the 9th Mayor of Jerusalem in 2008 at age 49. His vision was to turn the city into one rich in culture, youth, education, lasting economic development, and tourism. 
  • IRWIN COTLER, variously law professor, constitutional and comparative law scholar, international human rights lawyer, counsel to prisoners of conscience, NGO head, public intellectual, peace activist, Member of Parliament, and Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
  • AVISHAY BRAVERMAN, Israeli Economist and Politian, holds a Ph.D in economics from Stanford University (1976) and is a former president of the Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
  • NATAN SHARANSKY, one of the founders of the Moscow Refusenik movement, exiled in Siberia for 8 years, formerly a minister and deputy prime minister in the Knesset, and since 2009 he has been chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI)
  • GADI MAZOR, business guru extraordinaire and winner of the 2013 Blackberry Entrepreneur of the Year Award.


Registration for both delegates and observers will take place on Sunday 8 March from 8.30 to 9am. Anyone wanting to attend as a delegate or observers must have completed:

A Delegate/Observer Registration Form and the Acceptance Form and return them to the Conference Secretariat together with the required registration fee by no later than 20 February. T

he number of delegates to the conference in respect of each constituent organisation is limited and the organisations have been advised by email. Organisations can send as many observers as they wish.  

The registration fee (R360 for adults, R100 for youth) have to be paid prior to the conference. The fee includes entrance to the official opening for delegates and observers, the conference fee, tea coffee and lunch as well as entrance to the Israel Expo.

Registration for the Opening session will be done on line through Ticibox. In order to book additional seats please contact them telephonically or visit their website at or call them on 0861 777-225.

Conference kits will be issued on the morning of registration.


Suitable precautions have been taken to ensure the safety and security of everyone attending the conference. The Secretariat request that delegates and guests wear their identification badges at all times on Sunday.

A list of hotels with which the Fed have negotiated special rates for the conference is available for out of town delegates and observers.

Conference will vote in office bearers for the next four years. Nominations for Elected Office Bearers of the SAZF must be submitted to the Conference Secretariat together with the nominee’s curriculum vitae as well as signed acceptance by no later than 20 February 2015.


The first-ever Israel-South Africa EXPO takes place on Sunday 8 March. Booths for hire are available for local Jewish and Israeli businesses as well as communal organisations, and will give participants the opportunity to showcase their organisation or product to an anticipated audience of thousands. 

Music, entertainment, food and magnificent prizes will add to the vibrancy of this ground-breaking event. 

Delegates to conference will have the opportunity of viewing the Expo after the conference proceedings close on Sunday afternoon.

Anyone wishing to mount a stall at the Expo should contact Gavi Sacks on 011 645-2512 or

Entrance fee is R50 per person; no charge for children in prams. 

Bookings will open in January. This is a perfect opportunity for the community to show support for Israel – take a booth and take your family along for a fun-filled day.

An array of wonderful prizes including a motorcar, two return air tickets to Israel, local air tickets and five-star holidays are among the hundreds of thousands of Rand worth of prizes.

Anyone who requires any further information or assistance can call the Conference Coordinator, Froma Sacks, on 011 645-2505, or

The conference flyer


  1. Joshua Grigst

    January 21, 2015 at 7:30 pm

    ‘All soiunds great but is it kosher. is voting democratic? how doeas it all work – Id like to know if the rumors are right about the vote-rigging’

  2. Isla Feldman (SAZF Director)

    January 29, 2015 at 9:16 am

    ‘Hi Josh, just an explanation of the voting process. There are a number of positions open including chairman, vice -chairmen, treasures etc. Nominations for those wanting to run come from people nominated by members of the SAZF’s constituent organisations such as the political parties, youth movements etc and who are then voted on by the conference delegates. The votes are allocated  according  how large the orgnaisations are. There have never been any allegations of vote rigging and votes are audited by an independent, commercial audit firm. ‘

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