
Final nail in the coffin of Multiculturalism

ROTHERHAM – “Men of Pakistani heritage treated white girls like toilet paper. They picked children up from schools and care homes and trafficked them across northern cities for other men to join in the fun. They doused a 15-year-old in petrol and threatened to set her alight should she dare to report them. They menaced entire families and made young girls watch as they raped other children. These truly horrible things happened in our country – not in the distant, cruel past, but as recently as last year.”




The sheer depravity of the acts against 1,400 little girls from the town of Rotherham, that British police and social workers chose to ignore, in order to be politically correct, must surely mark the ignominious end of the multicultural experiment.

Still as the horrific details emerge, ‘political correctness’ requires the identity of the perpetrators to be ‘protected’ and so they are referred to as ‘Asian’ men, which is general enough to include a range of possibilities. It was the same ‘political correctness’ or the fear of being labelled as ‘racist’ or ‘Islamophobic” that prevented Police and care givers to mention that the perpetrators were Muslim men.

What happened in Rotherham was revealed in a report by Professor Alexis Jay which amounted to evidence of abuse against very young British girls on an industrial scale over a period of 16 years.

Allison Pearson reported in The Telegraph that “Men of Pakistani heritage treated white girls like toilet paper. They picked children up from schools and care homes and trafficked them across northern cities for other men to join in the fun. They doused a 15-year-old in petrol and threatened to set her alight should she dare to report them. They menaced entire families and made young girls watch as they raped other children. These truly horrible things happened in our country – not in the distant, cruel past, but as recently as last year.”

If Rotherham was the only case, where ‘rape Jihad’, a term coined by Soeren Kern, occurred, it could be considered an aberration. Contextualization however, reveals a frightening pattern of systemic crimes on a widespread scale, and these have been known in the public domain for some time. Last year, the Deputy Children’s Commissioner for England, Sue Berelowitz, observed that:

‘There isn’t a town, village or hamlet in which children are not being sexually exploited.’ We should start from the assumption that children are being sexually exploited right the way across the country.”

These remarks related to the discovery of a ‘Child grooming’ gang that operated in Oxford, which led to seven  Muslim men (of Pakistani and Eritrean origin) being sentenced after an 18-week-long trial, to at least 95 years in prison for raping, torturing and trafficking British girls as young as eleven years.

The British government was already then aware that these cases were “just the tip of the iceberg,” and that at least 2,500 British children had previously been confirmed to be victims of predatory, (mainly) Muslim paedophile grooming gangs. By 2013, at least 27 police forces were investigating 54 alleged child grooming gangs across England and Wales.

The harsh jail terms meted out by Judge Peter Rook, who presided over the trial at the Central Criminal Court of England and Wales (aka the Old Bailey), in 2013 – which were longer than those in other high-profile grooming cases such as those in Rochdale, Derby and Telford, although intended to send a message to abusers that they would be targeted and brought to justice, seems to have had no deterrent effect.

Due to the widespread nature of these crimes, and due to the sensitivities in identifying the racial or religious backgrounds of the criminals, it is difficult to find precise details of  the perpetrators’ cultural backgrounds. According to Diana Nammi of the UK’s Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation “about two-thirds are Muslim.”

What is extremely concerning about the latest incidents in Rotherham, according to Parveen Qureshi, the director of the United Multicultural Centre there, was that ‘Muslim leaders were fully aware of the problem, but did nothing’. These crimes were widely discussed between Muslim leaders who, ‘talked in Mosques, but not to the police’ while they were privately ‘trying to resolve the problem’. She also said that religious leaders ‘were contacted by agencies about the abuses’.

Throughout England there are now pockets of immigrant communities, which unashamedly eschew Western values. Already by 2010, there were 2283 cases, representing a 47 percent rise of honour-related crimes in Britain. Commenting on this phenomenon, Deborah Orr, writing in the Guardian, said that “Multiculturalism’s most miserable miscalculation was that respect would always be mutual. It’s pretty clear to me that the limits of that Great British value, tolerance, have now been tested to destruction.

Forced marriage? “Honour” killing? Female genital mutilation? It’s hard to believe that apologists for such activities were ever taken seriously. But until we invent the time machine, it’s probably best to be glad that the tide has turned. If there ever was a tide…”

Clearly, if ever there was a time for Britain and other countries hosting large immigrant communities, to recognize that there are limits to the tolerance of values that run completely contrary to the hard won human rights which Western democracies hold dear, it is now!  Multi-culturalism failed because Western societies tolerated regressive values, and regressive legal systems, such as Sharia, which reject  mutual respect of people who are ‘Infidels’, which reject equal rights for women, for gays and lesbians and respect for the law and institutions of the host country. As Britain faces down the biggest threat to its national security, from home grown Islamist fanatics that were nurtured in Multicultural ghettos, that resented and rejected everything Western, it needs to discard its rose tinted spectacles and recognize the monster that it has birthed.

  • Ben Levitas is regular contributor to SAJR Online, is the immediate past chairman of the SAZF Cape Council and National Vice Chairman of the SA Zionist Federation.


  1. Gary Selikow

    September 10, 2014 at 12:09 pm

    ‘Most evil of all, is that the politically correct establishment, the media, police, courts, social workers and left-wing pressure groups are deliberately sweeping this under the carpet and imposing news blackouts, as action against Asian Muslims is seen as ‘racism’. And in a bizarre and sick twisted mindset, the gang rapists and destroyers of innocent lives, are being protected by the establishment, because of their skin colour and religious background makes them in the eyes of the neo-left establishment the victims that need protecting. Furthermore these children , despised as white and working class , are seen as worth sacrificing on the alter of multiculturalism and ‘anti racism’) .

    Decent people of all races and religions in Britain have to act now to stop this phenomenon,’ and bring both the child groomers and their protectors to justice, so that thousands more innocent lives will not be cruelly destroyed’

  2. Gary Selikow

    September 10, 2014 at 12:11 pm

    ‘I strongly recommend the book Unthinkable: The Shocking Scandal of Britain’s Trafficked Children by Kris Hollington

    This book sheds a timely and valuable spotlight on the most horrific and cruel practice in Britain today, One that is being totally ignored and covered up by the establishment.

    Kris Hollington, in a harrowing, distressing and heart-wrenching read (If this does not make you angry and upset then you are not human), the world of rape gangs, that lure vulnerable girls (from broken homes and with low self-esteem) into their clutches, and turn them into sex slaves, passed around among many different men, beaten, tortured, gang raped and broken down. Many of them do not survive.

    The author cites evidence that up to ten thousand British girls have fallen victim to this, but I believe the numbers are far, far higher.

    What makes the blood boil and makes one want to weep are a few things. One is that courts, police, the media and yes, many social workers see the girls as ‘slags’ or ‘prostitutes’ as if they have willingly chosen prostitution (when the truth is no child chooses to be a prostitute, they are forced or lured into it) and as manipulative and even the men who abuse and destroy them being the victims and these girls the victimizers ( as a Pakistani child rapist claimed in court) (It is sickening to think such archaic, cruel attitudes still persist so prevalently and among the educated establishment too!) The media refers to them too often as ‘prostitutes’ when they are victims. After having gone through horrific gang rapes, torture and terror, are viciously ‘cross examined’ (in reality prosecuted themselves) by the defence teams and even by the judges).

    Parts of the media places the full blame on these girls for their own fate,m even when they are murdered (how can anyone with any humanity not find this sickening?)

    The author highlights some of the media language such as ‘Alleged pimp, fourteen year old prostitute arrested at Holiday Inn’ pointing out how the man is an alleged’ pimp but the girl is definitely a ‘prostitute’

    The media often therefore label the girls as ‘tarts’ or ‘slags’ , some sort of underclass of subspecies.

    Also shocking is often how the care homes where these girls are taken often from abusive homes, are the very places the rape and pimping gangs use to get access to the girls. Social workers and those in charge of the homes do not take the responsibility always to protect these girls.

    The police often refuse to take action, maybe because they see the girls as ‘slags’, ‘whores’ ‘prostitutes’ ,’ lowly’ and ‘dirt. And in many cases because the perpetrators are usually Asian Muslims or Blacks the police will not touch them for fear of being accused of racism. In some cases parents have been arrested for ‘racial harassment’ when they tried to protect their daughters

    the case records reveal how the majority of ORGANIZED gang rape and pimping is in fact done by Pakistanis. The author then in a later chapter claims that their Muslim faith has nothing to do with it, and that the perpetrators obviously are not real Muslims. but he is ignoring the very real fact that many Muslims, encouraged by their clerics and mosques, see non-Muslim White girls as worthless, deserving of such treatment, and that these atrocities committed against these girls are fine, as long as it is not against Muslim girls.

    The author himself previously highlights a case where 17 year old Laura Wilson was brutally and gruesomely stabbed and drowned to death by two Muslim men who had gang raped, pimped and terrorized her.

    The perpetrator Ashtiaq Ashgar sent an SMS to his friend where he boasted ‘Im going to send that kuffar bitch straight to hell’ Kuffar means a non-Muslim, so how can the author then later claim this has nothing to do with Islam?

    In many cases the words ‘white bitch’ and ‘white whore’ have been used again and again by the perpetrators and the families of the perpetrators when defending them.

  3. Gary Selikow

    September 10, 2014 at 5:37 pm

    ‘may G-D avenge the  innocent girls on their abusers and on those with authority  who ignored their pain!!!!

  4. Gary Selikow

    September 18, 2014 at 9:40 am

    Sorry Gary – we have a policy of not publishing this type of content on this website. Racism for the sake of racism, albeit it not illegal in this case, leads to more racism   -ED

  5. Gary Selikow

    September 18, 2014 at 10:56 pm

    ‘That as not racism!!!!! It was criticizing politically correct actions which led to children’s lives being destroyed, if you dont want to discuss it here e mail me to let me know how on earth it can be seen as racism???’

  6. Gary Selikow

    September 18, 2014 at 11:05 pm

    ‘Do you not care about children simply because they from white working class backgrounds? Because THAT would be racism’

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