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Finding hope and faith amidst horror



Rosh Hashanah is a deeply significant holiday for us. It is time of reflection, renewal, and introspection. It is a time to examine our past deeds, seek forgiveness, and set intentions for the year ahead.

October 7 fell just after the holiest days of the year. After days of teshuvah, tefilla, and tzedakah we were feeling a sense of closeness to Hashem, happy and relieved and hoping we would all be inscribed for a good year. This made the shock and horror of the attack even harsher.

This unwavering commitment to our beliefs and values, even when confronted with immense hardship, becomes a testament to the enduring spirit of the Jewish people. It is through these trials that we find deeper layers of hope, demonstrating that our faith is not merely an abstract concept but a living, breathing force that guides us through the darkest times and into the light of renewed hope and strength.

In the face of profound trials, Hashem’s testing of our faith is a recurring theme in Jewish tradition, embodying the belief that challenges are opportunities for spiritual growth and reaffirmation. The process of enduring and overcoming difficulty often brings us a heightened awareness of Hashem’s presence and influence in our lives. This reflects the concept of Elul, where the king (Hashem) is in the field so he is more accessible to us. We should take advantage of this time to daven to connect with Hashem.

This Rosh Hashanah will be almost a year since the horrific day and it is our duty to focus on our teshuvah, tefilla, and tzedakah because ultimately Rosh Hashanah reminds us that through hope, we can transform our challenges into sources of strength and renewal, embracing the new year with optimism and a renewed sense of purpose. This special time provides us with an opportunity to acknowledge these past struggles while simultaneously looking forward with hope and determination.

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