For them, the battle has just begun…
The SA Friends of the Beit Halochem Zahal Disabled Veterans Organisation was established in Johannesburg in 1982, its primary goal being to help and support Zahal disabled veterans by raising funds to help them return and resume their normal lives as soon as possible.
Zipora Cohen Chairman, Beit Halochem
With the long and difficult rehabilitation that’s required physically, mentally and socially, the veterans’ ongoing needs are continuous.
There are 51 000 disabled members in Israel’s various Beit Halochem centres, and because of the many terror attacks, 3 000 civilians have also joined the disabled veterans in Beit Halochem, learning to cope with their disability.
Beit Halochem is a sport, rehabilitation and recreation centre, serving disabled veterans and their families. It is also the place where the veterans undergo various physiotherapy and hydrotherapy treatments which they’ll need for the rest of their lives.
Sports programmes contribute to their successful rehabilitation as they go a long way towards maintaining physical fitness and preventing the veterans’ health from deteriorating.
In addition, each centre offers arts and crafts workshops, as well as social and recreation activities.
Beit Halochem is the meeting place of a “generation” of the disabled, bringing together old-timers and newcomers, who must learn to adjust to the difficulties associated with disability.
The organisation adheres to the philosophy that the disabled should be cared for in a congenial environment. Hence, the various centres offer a host of activities to occupy the veterans’ families – adults and children alike.
There are currently four Beit Halochem centres in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem and Beer Sheva, with the fifth one under construction in the coastal city of Ashdod. With state-of-the-art technology and equipment, and highly qualified staff, these centres have become “a light unto the nations”.
Many of the veterans belong to sports teams at the centre. These teams of men and women compete overseas and continue to break records and bring back gold, silver and bronze medals. The “dancing on wheelchairs group” are famous throughout the world for their spectacular performances. The veterans’ art exhibitions are also beautiful.
Here in South Africa, we strive to raise funds to continue to support and assist this worthy cause.
Please become members, join our committee, send donations in lieu of gifts, and remember us in your bequests. Help us to help them!
Phone 011 645-2553 or email;
- This Column is paid for by the SA Zionist Federation