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Forget knives, let’s have more car-rammings

Disappointed in the ‘failure’ of stabbings, Hamas asks West Bankers to drop their knives and instead commit car-rammings to ensure higher Jewish casualties.




‘Too few deaths’

Daily deaths, mainly of their own kin, are not moving things along fast enough for Hamas’ leaders it would seem. The Gaza-based terror group bemoaned the stabbings as a “failure” on social media and sympathetic Arab TV stations. Hamas has begun a new campaign to promote “vehicular terrorism” instead of stabbing as a preferred method to murder more Jews.

Following a string of stabbing attacks on Saturday that resulted in more harm to the terrorists than to their Jewish-Israeli targets, Hamas called on Palestinians to stop the stabbing attacks and aim for a far greater numbers of casualties, ALGEMEINER.com quoted Israel’s Channel 2 as having reported on Sunday.

MDA-SA Chairman Mark Hyman told Jewish Report that in the first 15 days of October alone, the Israeli Magen David Adom service, which acts as the Jewish state’s Red Cross and ambulance service, had dispatched teams to “provide medical treatment to 103 casualties, seven of whom have died, and 96 injured: 11 in severe condition, 15 in moderate condition, and 70 in mild condition. In addition MDA teams have assisted 59 people with stress-related symptoms.” 

The numbers of terror knife attacks have probably not abated since October 15, one pundit told the Israeli media, but Hamas could well be opportunist in the West Bank.

Hamas wants to take over West Bank

ALGEMEINER.com said that six stabbing and attempted stabbing attacks committed by Palestinian residents of Hebron took place over the weekend – four of them in the West Bank city itself, and one at the Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem – which ended unsuccessfully where the perpetrators were concerned.

Yesterday it was Beersheva’s turn to feel the brunt of the attacks, leaving residents of the Negev’s “capital” reeling.

Hamas, says Algemeiner, is a “Palestinian terror organisation that rules the Gaza Strip and has ambitions to take over the West Bank as well”.

Hamas bemoaned what it referred to as the “failure” of the knife-attack strategy on its social media platforms and sympathetic Arab TV stations and has now begun to punting its vehicular terrorism vs stabbing as the preferred method to murder more Jews.

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    October 19, 2015 at 1:50 pm

    ‘Imagine if there were no Palestinians in the West Bank (& Jerusalem) and none in Gaza. Israel would not have the problem they do have. Other countries would have that problem because it seems, throughout the middle east, the different sects of muslims cannot live peacefully.

    In fact in Europe, America and Scandinavia, they also cannot live in peace despite their host countries having given them asylum/ citizenship. I note that there is a notion that \”might \”cannot\” sustain and keep a country safe. I differ. In fact capitulation or compromise is less safe. Europe, the UN, Russia, and even America ( to some extent) are against Israel.

    The only time Israel will command attention, is when they annihilate those that desire ( or attempt)  Israels demise.


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