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‘Four Choirs in Concert’ – a once-in-a-lifetime Lewandowski treat




Pictured: Some members of the Synagogal Ensemble Berlin, who will visit South Africa for the first time.

The concert series is hosted by South Africa’s Lewandowski Chorale which has invited the Synagogal Ensemble Berlin for its first appearance in South Africa. 

The SA Lewandowski Chorale says in a media release that in Johannesburg the Synagogal Ensemble Berlin will be joined by two local choirs, namely the Johannesburg Jewish Male Choir (JJMC) and the Soweto-based Imilonji KaNtu Choral Society. Each will perform works of Lewandowski and his contemporaries and together they will also perform a number of massed items.

“While each choir is different, they are united by the inspiration they draw from the works of Lewandowski and their links to the prestigious annual Louis Lewandowski Festival, which is hosted each December by the City of Berlin,” the media release states. 

Although they have performed in various combinations, this is the first time all four choirs will come together on the same stage.

The bulk of the programme will include the music of Lewandowski and his contemporaries. But the programme will also feature African liturgical music, Jewish Baroque music and a variety of other genres.

Says Adam Golding, musical director of the Lewandowski Chorale: “Most South African lovers of serious music would not be familiar with Lewandowski, or, at best, would have heard of him peripherally. He was an absolute master of melody who combined traditional Jewish music from Eastern Europe with the popular romantic style of classical music. Lewandowski understood the human voice and the blending of the voice. The result is a staggering use of harmony.” 

In Johannesburg on Wednesday March 16, the participating choirs – Lewandowski Chorale, Synagogal Ensemble Berlin, Imilonji KaNtu and JJMC, will perform in the Len Miller Hall, Redhill School, 20 Summit Road, Morningside, at 20:00. Ticket prices range from R180, R150 and R90. To book:

In Cape Town on Saturday March 19 and the Sunday, the Lewandowski Chorale and Synagogal Ensemble Berlin will perform at The Jewish Museum, 88 Hatfield Street, Cape Town at 20:15.

Tickets cost R150.

To book:

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  1. cecile levin

    February 22, 2016 at 1:41 pm

    ‘Not coming to Durban??


  2. Jenny Schneider

    November 28, 2016 at 2:37 pm

    ‘Please could you give me contact details for Adam Golding. 

    Many thanks

    Jenny Schneider ‘

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