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Free South Africa and Israel




Pesach message by Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein

This vision was realised in 1994 with the birth of the new South Africa. Let us reflect for a moment on the blessing of living in a free democracy like South Africa where, as Jews, we can live with openness and pride, fulfilling the mitzvot and leading active Jewish lives.

Freedom is the gateway to enjoying all of the other blessings of life, especially the blessing of being able to serve G-d with dignity and loyalty. Throughout the thousands of years of Jewish history there have been many times when our freedom to practise and live our Judaism was severely curtailed.

Many of our grandparents or great- grandparents fled from the tyranny and anti-Semitism of Eastern Europe, where Jewish life was constricted by a lack of complete freedom. When I attend official state functions here in South Africa and kosher food is provided (double wrapped in tin foil with the Beth Din stickers all over it!) I often think of the blessing of living in a country where our religious rights are so respected and think of how our ancestors were just grateful not to be conscripted in the Czar’s army, let alone be recognised and protected as a religious community by government authorities.

Freedom is also the greatest blessing for South Africa today as it goes through this difficult time of turbulence. South Africa has many problems, but one incontrovertible fact, that makes this a country with great possibilities, is that it is a free country.

It is this freedom that offers the greatest promise for a better tomorrow. It is the freedom of the press that allowed all of the corruption scandals to be uncovered and it is the freedom of the Public Protector to hold the President accountable, and the freedom of an independent judiciary to enforce the findings of the Public Protector that have given the country hope of being victorious in the fight against corruption.

As long as a country is free, there are always mechanisms and opportunities for it to improve. It is the freedom of regular elections, freedom of the party political system and the freedom of debate (and even chaotic protests) in Parliament that ensure that change is always possible.

It is all these institutions of freedom that have ensured that President Jacob Zuma, has had to answer for the disgraceful way he has behaved in office, and that there is mounting pressure for the only honourable thing for him to do, which is to resign.

Also, let us also not forget the great blessing that G-d has bestowed upon our generation, to live in a time of a free and sovereign Jewish State in the Land of Israel. For almost 2 000 years this seemed an impossible dream, until the Divine miracles of our times made it a reality.

We cannot allow the pain of the present day dangers and challenges from blinding us to the awesome blessing of the miraculous existence and remarkable success of the State of Israel.

The origins of our freedom as a people, come from G-d when He liberated us from Egypt 3 328 years ago. We are who are because of the gift of freedom which He graciously gave us with signs and wonders all those years ago.

Freedom is one of the greatest blessings of all. In grateful thanks-giving, as we sit at our seder tables each Pesach, the festival of freedom, and relive the drama of the miracles that led to our freedom, we, in turn, rededicate our lives to serving Him, doing His mitzvot and making the world into a better place for all.


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  1. nat cheiman

    April 13, 2016 at 12:41 pm

    ‘So much for the freedom charter’

  2. Choni

    April 13, 2016 at 4:22 pm

    ‘The longer we remain in (voluntary) exile the less free we are. Religious freedom means nothing without your own land.’

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