
Gam zeh ya’avor – This too shall pass

Benefactor donates inspirational rubber bracelets with King Solomon’s inspirational words to The DL-Link, a community charity that assists cancer sufferers. Read more about The DL Link on Jewish Report Online – see below…




“This too shall pass”

Yehudah (aka Jonathan) Lieb has just donated 150 Livestrong-type wristbands – bearing the inscription “This too shall pass” in English and Hebrew – to DL Link, a non-profit organisation which helps patients with serious illnesses, especially cancer.

The DL Link was inspired by a 33-year-old woman, Devorah Leah Levy, who sadly passed away, leaving behind two children, aged three and four, after being treated for cancer over a two-year period.

The organisation was established by Jackie Altshuler, Yocheved Bacher and Michelle Goodman together with a team of dedicated volunteers.

The organisation provides, inter alia:

  • A centre where patients and their caregivers can come to for social, psychological and emotional care ad support;
  • Support for entire families as these illnesses impact on spouses, children, caregivers and others;
  • Home and hospital visits;
  • Recreational outings and activities.

All services are provided free of charge.

Inspired by King Solomon

Lieb says he was inspired by a story of King Solomon who was given a ring with the inscription “Gam zeh ya’avor” – “This too shall pass”, bringing him to the realisation that his wealth and power were fleeting. (Bnei Binyomin on Avos; Chapter 1, Mishnah 7.)

“We cannot always see Hashem’s actions out of love when there is illness and things get rough. But this bracelet reminds us that this shall pass,” Yehudah told Jewish Report.

Previous related reads on SAJR Online

  • CHESED FROM AN EARLY AGEFeb 25, 2014 – Grade R Yeshiva College learner Michelle Fine donates her hair to DL Link to aid cancer sufferers
  • DL LINK IS RADIOTHON WINNERSep 10, 2014 – Radio ChaiFM’s annual Radiothon winner is DL Link, which provides a nurturing safe space where patients faced with cancer and their families, can turn to for support

1 Comment

  1. Denis Solomons

    February 2, 2015 at 9:02 am

    ‘i think that the most famous parable about King Solomon was the one where the one mother rolled over and smothered her baby.

    The two mothers  then had to share the remainig baby .

    They argued as to whose it was .

    When King Solomon threatened to destroy the remaining baby the \” true \” mother said no give it to her; as long as it lives.

    In this  way Shlomo Hamelech was able to salvage the remaining baby and determine who was the \”true\” mother !

    A wise king indeed !’

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