
Gerald Leissner will be remembered

Gerald Leissner, “Mr Community”, considered one of South African Jewry’s top leaders, passed away on Friday, December 16 in Johannesburg at the age of 74. He was buried in West Park Jewish Cemetery on the same day. He was a past recipient of a Jewish Achiever award.




‘Mr Community’ passes

In Nelson Mandela’s address to the SA Jewish Board of Deputies in August, 1993, the former president singled out Leissner as one of the Jewish leaders in the forefront of the struggle for human rights and said South Africans owed much to the example he set.

Leissner was a “yekke” down to his fingertips. Everything about him was organised, punctual (you could set your clock by him), logical and accurate.

Yet, he tempered this precision with quietly-spoken, measured tones, modesty and a gentleness that can rarely be ascribed to businessmen. He also made the Sunday Times “Rich List” on December 11, 2016, alongside other business titans.

He held office as chairman of Beyachad, national chairman and president of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies, chairman of the SA Friends of the Hebrew University, administrator of Foundation 2000 and a trustee of the SA Holocaust Foundation.

He was a past chairman of Yeshiva College and the Yeshiva College Hebrew Congregation.

In business, he was chief executive officer (CEO) of Arrowhead Properties Limited, CEO of Go Global, Inc. and a director of ApexHi.

He was previously MD of Anglo-American Property Services (Ampros).

He start up the business ladder was in 1964 when, after completing his articles, Manfred Gorvy, his former senior clerk in the small accountancy firm where he worked, told him about an exciting opportunity.

“Gorvy was then secretary of Townsview Estates, a property management company for the Schlesinger Organisation and suggested I join as an accountant. That was my defining moment in business. The company was purchased by Anglo-American in 1974. Working with the Anglo-American Corporation, one was able to develop and be innovative,” Leissner told Jewish Report in an earlier interview.

Leissner’s tenure at Ampros saw the rise of the giant Carlton Centre and Hotel, but, later “the demise of most of the CBD. We sold the Carlton Centre for R32 million.” Today the replacement value would be R2 billion.

“I cannot complain, I have done very nicely,” he used to say euphemistically, leaving out all his achievements and the fact that he was widely known as a mover and shaker in commercial property circles.

Leissner had another passion – politics – and he was an ANC supporter in the early nineties (at the time unpopular among his peers).

“I was probably the first business leader who spoke for the ANC on a public platform and was a card-carrying member of the party.”

As chairman of the Board of Deputies, he founded the Johannesburg Jewish Voice in 1990, with the objective of guiding the Jewish community into the new South Africa.

“I think the release of Nelson Mandela was a defining moment in the lives of most people in this country. I regard myself as a proud South African,” he recalled.

But his political allegiances never compromised his strict observance as an Orthodox Jew.

“We used to live in Parkmore and I was very involved in the Beis Hamedrash Hagadol in Sandton. Rabbi Ziggy Suchard encouraged my son Jonathan to join Bnei Akiva. When he came back from camp in standard four (grade 6), Jonathan was insistent on going to Yeshiva College. We agreed, moved to Glenhazel and I became totally involved in the school and shul.

“I understood that fundraising was crucial to our Jewish organisations and became Johannesburg chairman of the United Communal Fund.”

Leissner was a fundraiser par excellence (he could get blood out of the proverbial stone), but said: “That move put me into the school, the shul and the community and my various leadership positions on the Board of Deputies.”

In his unassuming way, he took Jewish organisations to new heights, put them from the red into the black and appropriately earned him the nickname “Mr Community”.

Born in Johannesburg, Gerald Leissner attended Highlands North Boys’ High School and graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand with a CTA and CA (SA).

He leaves his wife Shirley, a lecturer in French, and four children, Wendy, Nicky (who is married to Chazan Colin Schachat and lives in Israel), Jonathan and Michael and 13 grandchildren. He also leaves a sister, Coral Smith, who lives in Australia.


  1. Charles B. Blach

    Dec 18, 2016 at 9:25 pm

    ‘Condolences to the family and may they be comforted amongst the mourners of Zion & Jerusalem.’

  2. Uri Sher

    Dec 19, 2016 at 2:49 pm

    ‘I remember him as a true mentch respectful to everyone. May we learn from him how to do good for others & may that be a blessing to his neshama.’


    Dec 20, 2016 at 2:23 pm

    ‘Dear Mispocha of Gerald z\”l.   My deepest condolences to this amazing  He was always so helpful when I spoke with him.  I sent him a Whatsupp for the kids of CAMP KESHER and he replied within the hour. This was on the 6/7th December. Unfortunately he sent to the money to Bnei Camp and not to ours.  He told me to resend the whatsupp and he would do something.  I really did not know he was ill and when I asked him how his doing he said fine. WOW, you really have to be so very proud of him. He was truly a very special man. I wish you and the family all a long life. Warmest regards, SONIA MARGOLIAS. 083-4005089


  4. Avril Rose (Lipschitz)

    Dec 27, 2016 at 11:07 am

    ‘Dear Shirley, Nicky and the rest of the family,

    I am sorry to read about your great loss. I have such good memories, Shirl, of you and Gerald and one only wishes that life could go on in the same way forever.

    Here’s wishing you as easy a time as possible during this difficult period!

    Lots mof love,


  5. Norman Schwab

    Dec 28, 2016 at 1:42 pm

    ‘Even though I saw Gerald on 9th December I was still shocked to hear of his passing as I was boarding to fly

    To Durban on the 16th. My most abiding memory will always be: when asked how he was he always said \”I am 

    Always good thanks!!!  Baruch Dayan haemet. Strength to the family.

  6. Julian Hurwitz

    Jan 9, 2017 at 3:54 pm

    ‘Baruch dayan haemet,kindly forward the hebrew name ‘

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