Girls find the power within

Thirteen girls had their Batmitzvah ceremony at the Great Park Shul in Houghton Estate on Sunday, 7 March. The theme of their milestone transition into womanhood was “The leader in me”.
It was the culmination of months of learning and growth, with each girl discovering her inner strength and the power of her soul.
Sessions that began as weekly Zoom meetings due to COVID-19, progressed into in-person sessions as school reopened. Special programmes included participation at the Drive-Thru Chanukah event at Great Park, Challah plaiting, Purim mishloach manot deliveries to senior members of the Great Park community, and a mikvah tour with a presentation for mothers and daughters.
The shul wished its Bnotmitzvah much success as they continue to lead by example and have a positive impact on the world around them.