
Global teen-led organisation, BBYO, launches in SA
South Africa’s newest Jewish youth organisation, BBYO, led by teens for teens, was launched at King David Schools this past week.
A proud affiliate of the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF), BBYO spans more than 60 countries with 70 000 members worldwide. It had its roots in the United States in 1924, when Jewish teens, who were excluded from joining fraternities and sororities, started their own organisation centred on a strong Jewish identity, Zionism, leadership, and inclusivity. After nearly 100 years, BBYO has established itself as the leading Jewish organisation for connecting the next generation of Jewish teen leaders from around the world.
BBYO isn’t a youth movement. It exists in addition to teens’ current youth movement experience. High school students from Grades 8 to 11 are empowered through a year-round programme that is led by teens for their peers. They are supported by a dedicated team of professional staff in South Africa and globally who are deeply invested in their success.
Teen leaders connect through online meetups, digital programmes, and in-person travel experiences. BBYO offers many travel opportunities to visit Jewish communities in Argentina, Europe, and Israel, with the highlight of the year being BBYO’s US International Convention every February, which hosts more than 5 000 top teen leaders, educators, professionals, and philanthropists from around the world. Delegates hear from inspiring speakers, deepen leadership skills, celebrate Shabbat, have access to exclusive music performances, and build friendships from around the world. Local and international events are pluralistic, which means every Jew, regardless of observance level, will find a safe place to practice their Judaism.
Find out more at https://azabbg.bbyo.org/

October 16, 2023 at 3:12 pm
Hi I need to know if you have any teen singers. I’m a songwriter/composer. Thanks Alan.