
Greenside shul paints pic in late congregant’s honour



Greenside Shul unveiled a new mural on Wednesday, 16 March, for Purim in honour of its congregant, Myna Pretorius, who died suddenly of COVID-19 on 4 January. Pretorius was a key part of the shul community, and her family regularly attend services and learning programmes.

“Though Myna was an understated person, she was incredibly kind and giving,” said Nina Cohen, a director of the shul board.

The mural, which was painted by a team of congregants, hangs centre stage in the shul’s newly refurbished hall. Drawn from the Book of Ruth, it reads (in translation): “Where you go, I will go; where you live, I will live; your nation is my nation, and your G-d is my G-d.”

It joins the shul’s many other colourful murals painted by the congregation displayed in the hall.

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