
Happy 80th to community stalwart Herby

Paying tribute to Herby Rosenberg – a gentleman and a scholar. A veritable feast of family, friends, felicitations and fine food hosted by Hilary and Bertie Lubner was a fitting tribute.




Hosted by Bertie and Hilary Lubner at their Johannesburg home, the recent sparkling 80th birthday celebration for community stalwart and Jewish Report board member, Herby Rosenberg, was everything he wanted and enjoyed. Surrounded by his family and long-standing friends, Herby was visibly moved both by their presence and by the many accolades paid to him. 

Herby’s passion, enthusiasm, warmth, sincerity, and dedication have formed the cornerstone of his personal and communal life. This was evident through all the speeches made.

His relationship with Bertie, going back many years, has always been one of mutual respect, responsibility and esteem. Aside from other projects, they have together given many years of dedicated service to outreach organisation Afrika Tikkun, building an organisation which is acknowledged as one of the finest NGOs in the country. 

Nothing, said Bertie, was ever too much for Herby, whose assistance and presence added immeasurably to the success of the venture, as well as to enriching Bertie and Hilary’s lives.

Reminiscing on their long association, Ann Harris amused the guests with a number of delightful anecdotes concerning Herby, each of which was a perfect example of the fine man he has always been. 

Herby’s compassion for those with whom he worked, his ability always to see the best in everyone, his understanding of the contrasting lives people lead and his acceptance of their differences, form part of the special characteristics that so define him. 

Bertie’s son Marc’s esteem and admiration for Herby shone through his address: A man for all seasons, dependable, calm, reliable and professional, who better than Herby to have been Marc’s mentor in the latter’s early days as CEO of Afrika Tikkun, the position Herby held until he exchanged it for that of executive deputy-chairman of the organisation.

For Marc, the regular meetings with Herby were and remain a highlight of his working day, bringing him a sense of calm and clarity, and giving him time to reflect on issues of importance before he makes vital decisions. They have an enviable working relationship – something which for Marc was most special and cherished.

Having travelled from Australia with his family to be with Herby on this special occasion, Clifford, Herby’s son, spoke of his father’s tolerance, perception and insight, as well as the essential values of giving and sharing that he has passed onto his children. 

Non-judgemental and accepting, Herby was and is a remarkable father and husband, able and willing always to give quality time and attention to his family despite his incredibly busy work schedule. 

What filtered through all the speeches was Herby’s devotion to his work and the pleasure and pride he takes in what he does. Those with whom he interacts cannot but be struck by his zeal and commitment to ensuring that every organisation – and there are many – with which he is involved, strives for and reaches its own heights.  

In responding to and thanking everyone, especially the Lubners, for the evening, Herby paid tribute to his wife Sandra, his companion who had stood by him for 55 years as well as his two sons Clifford and Stanley.  . 

A brief interlude of hilarity was provided by comedian Marc Banks, who had guests shrieking with laughter at his irreverent comments and his pointed satire. This was followed by food and drink in a warm and hospitable atmosphere.

1 Comment

  1. ellen ettinger

    December 31, 2016 at 4:01 pm

    ‘Please may I have Herby’s email address.

    Many thanks’

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