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Happy Rebbetzen Bertha Sherman turns 92




Still sprightly, Rebbetzen Bertha Sherman told friends and family that “there is nothing better for me than coming to shul on Friday night and Shabbat morning”.

Oscars - IdaThe rebbetzen’s husband, the late Rabbi Dr David Sherman z”l, was the founding rabbi of the shul – with a strong congregation consisting of 1 000 families today.

PICTURED RIGHT: Bertha Sherman and her daughter Jessica are accompanied by Rabbi Sa’ar Shaked from Bet Emanuel in Johannesburg (left) and Rabbi Greg Alexander, chairman of the SA Association of Progressive Rabbis

Rabbi Richard Newman from the Cape Town Progressive Jewish Congregation also attended the celebration.  



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  1. Denis Solomons

    December 29, 2014 at 7:47 am

    ‘Many happy returns !’

  2. Russell Fig

    December 31, 2014 at 9:50 pm

    ‘Belated Happy Birthday Auntie Bertha . Give me a call some time. My phone number is 617 – 383 – 1242.



  3. Rachelle Todres-Nash

    January 19, 2016 at 8:38 am

    ‘Auntie Bertha!

    Tennis anyone?

    It’s Rachelle ..from Boston…

    Been 34 years since you & I were on the tennis courts in Sea point.

    Happy birthday!!!

    Think of you and beloved gentle & kind Uncle David so often!!!

    Such a shame we aren’t closer..

    I see Russell left you a lovely note above!

    Russell.. Feel free to email me!

    Lunch & hugs? 🙂

    God bless you Auntie Bertha.. I miss Miriam & Sonny TERRIBLY & Auntie Pearl & Ren & Jerry…

    I don’t know what we did coming to the states!

    My dad passed in 2008 and mom lives in New York.. 200 miles away.

    My incredible son turned 18 this year.

    Unfortunately my husband didn’t live to see his son’s 18th birthday ( if you remember I had MY 18TH BIRTHDAY AT JALNA!!) Ren madw a homemade English trifle for me…

    Jalna is the most magical place on Earth.. 2nd only to falling asleep on the terrace at Miriam & Sonnys hearing the waves crash on Moses beach

    I love you so much!!!

    Love Rachelle ~

    Please send me an email.. If you’re not into the technology.. Maybe your daughter can take dictation 🙂

    Hugs galore!!! P.S. my son’s name is John-Jeremiah’

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