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Hawks: It’s all ‘malicious gossip’
Not true, say police!
Radio Islam International, BDS-SA (the local arm of US anti-Israel NGO Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions https://www.sajr.co.za/images/default-source/logos/general/hawks-logo-wide.png” class=”sfImageWrapper”>They went on to say that this was the culmination of “a four- year-long case involving a South African journalist, Gadija Davids, who was on board the Mavi Marmara when it was attacked in 2010.”
Davids, the anti-Israeli media said, had laid her first complaint with the South African Police Service and South Africa’s National Prosecutions Authority (NPA) in January 2011.
The Hawks’ official spokesman, Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi told Jewish Report on Tuesday that he had been inundated with media calls, that he has consulted extensively with all of the Hawks’ units, and that he would like to “please” go on record that “The DCPI would like to distance themselves from such malicious gossip!”
A police media researcher who was not allowed to speak for the department, told Jewish Report that senior officers felt “really annoyed and thought they had wasted a lot of their time” today on what, he said, they thought was most likely a “political hoax”.
Interestingly the Cape Times claimed that SAPS had confirmed in writing that it would enforce the warrants of arrest.

nat cheiman
November 19, 2015 at 3:02 pm
‘Why should we not be surprised by BDS, MRN, and the MLA, spewing out bovine manure against Israel and the Jews?’