
Head-to-head on the Gaza question

Justice Dennis Davis’ weekly show on ENCA, “Judge for Yourself,” this week put Avrom Krengel and Muhammed Desai head-to-head, joined by Daily Maverick Associate Editor and Former US Diplomat Brooks Spector, on SA’s diplomatic approach to the Gaza conflict. During the sometimes heated exchanges, Desai only spoke of sanctions of Israeli products. SAJR asked him if this represented a policy change. See what he had to say…




On his popular ENCA weekly interview “Judge for Yourself,” prominent Cape Town jurist, Justice Dennis Davis, this week spoke to to Avrom Krengel national chairman of the South African Zionist Federation and Muhammed Desai from the local affiliate of the US NGO Boycott Divest and Sanctions (BDS-SA).

Also on the panel was Daily Maverick Associate Editor and Former US Diplomat, Brooks Spector. The subject was South Africa’s approach and diplomacy to the conflict in Gaza and whether ambassadors should have been recalled and sent home.

RIGHT: Justice Dennis Davis in his Judge For Yourself studio

ENCA has loaded the content of the programme at Jewish Report’s request in three segments and with no advertising which makes for just 26 minutes of viewing.

This is a very worthwhile watch as it lays out the positions of the parties quite clearly.

Of interest was that in the several times that Desai mentioned sanctions of Israeli products, he spoke of “products from illegal settlements” (meaning the disputed, or occupied, territories commonly known as the West Bank).

Jewish Report asked Desai if this was a change in the position of the organisation. It is not, he said adamantly, it was simply coincidental as it was in reference to the points he was discussing at the time.

The first segment is above & all 3 segments can
be viewed on SAJR Online by clicking: VIDEOS

More on the subject

RELATED READ: BDS targets 40 Woolies stores on Shabbos – which includes several interesting user comments

1 Comment

  1. Gary Selikow

    September 11, 2014 at 11:31 am

    ‘When Muslims and leftist radicals talk of ‘justice for Palestine’ they mean mass murder of Jews in Israel

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