Hebrew U opens doors for SA students
This makes Hebrew University the first of Israel’s seven state universities to accept the South African matric certiticate.
“After a lengthy process, of curriculum analysis and discussions, The Hebrew University has officially agreed to accept both the IEB and NSC matric certification as an accredited entrance criteria for the University,” said SA Friends of Hebrew Uniuversity’s president, Prof Michael Katz; chairman, Jeff Katz; and vice-chairman Lawrence Barnett in a joint statement this week.
“We at SAFHU are excited that Israel’s premier university has opened its doors to our South African students.” They added that they “look forward to assisting more students with their enrolment to HU”.
The two Katzes and Barnett said it was a “crucial mission of the university, Israel’s main source of innovation and leadership, to recruit the next generation of brilliant scientists and scholars who will conduct ground-breaking research and mentor thousands of students each year”. And as SAFHU, they continue to support The Hebrew University to assist it in its life changing research.