
Help Norwood Mall’s car guards retain their jobs

We are, hopefully, in the throes of a change of leadership in this country. We trust that the corruption and exploitation so prevalent in our society will dissipate and that better times lie ahead.



Olga-May Musnitzky, Johannesburg

However, it is still disconcerting and appalling to realise that those who are most vulnerable in our community, such as the car guards at shopping centres who are trying to eke out an honest living, are being exploited and abused.

I refer to the situation at Norwood Mall, where all the car guards have been given notice. Their last day is February 28. The reason given? Nogada Customer and Trolley Assistants SA is leaving at the end of February.

It must be pointed out that this company does not employ the guards. In fact, these guards have to pay a daily amount to Nogada to be at the mall. We managed to reduce this amount considerably about 18 months ago, but it is still ridiculous that they have to pay a daily amount to this company.

Nogada has no legal right to dismiss all these guards as they are not employed by this company.

What’s particularly concerning is that the Norwood Mall management seems oblivious to the car guards’ plight. Instead of getting involved and ensuring that the guards remain and provide a valuable service, they are wiping their hands of the matter.

The car guards are always obliging and helpful. They provide a valuable service and we, the patrons, need to stand up for them by advising the management of Norwood Mall that we will boycott the mall, if the guards are fired, from the end of February.

Please can we all take a stand by going into the management office and advising them that this conduct is unacceptable.

Numbers count.



1 Comment

  1. Pat Bailey

    March 15, 2018 at 5:44 pm


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