
Hirsch Lyons Girls celebrate Purim with the UJW Brain Boost group

Last Tuesday morning, the Grade 10 girls at Hirsch Lyons High School got all dressed up in Purim hats and, donning big smiles, arrived at the Brain Boost Stimulation Club for a celebratory get-together. Brain Boost is a therapeutic project, initiated by the Union of Jewish Women (UJW) in 2016, for community members with mild to moderate memory loss.



In the true spirit of Purim, pupils sang and danced with everyone, filling the room with joy. And there were happy faces all round as participants and caregivers alike spent time decorating gorgeous bags with masks, glitter and stickers. The bags were later filled with delicious homemade mishloach manot. It was a Purim simcha to remember, thanks to all participants.


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