Letters/Discussion Forums

History of Palestinian admiration for Hitler
Gary Selikow
A set of particularly bloody pogroms spread across “Palestine” from 1936 to 1939, known as the Arab Revolt in which hundreds of Jews were murdered and the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin also liquidated many of his Arab political opponents. Haj Amin was aided at this time by fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.
In exile in Lebanon, Haj Amin deepened his association with Germany and Italy, receiving large amounts of money and arms from them.
The French news weekly, Marianne, quoted several examples of Nazi ideological influence among the Palestinian Arabs: “At Nablus, the Arab population recently received the British troops with shouts of ‘Heil Hitler!’”
A certain German garage in Jerusalem employed only Arab Nazis, who were made to wear the swastika over their buttonholes.
The Arab journals Falastin and Al Difa’a published every week articles with a racial tendency and frequently reproduced large portraits of various leaders of the Third Reich. They did not even try to conceal the fact that they had become pupils of the ministry of propaganda in Berlin, according to Marianne.
Hitler invited Arabs to Germany as honoured guests and in the 1938 Nuremberg address he spoke about “the defenceless Arabs in Palestine, left in the lurch”.
An Arab spokesman in Jerusalem reacted promptly by declaring: “Now we are not without friends in Europe; our ultimate success as a nation lies in the hands of Hitler and Mussolini.”
Hitler was regarded by many Arabs across the Middle East as a popular hero and Arab movements based on Nazism were founded in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.
Hitler went to Rome, where he received an assurance from Count Ciano, promising to abolish the Jewish national home in “Palestine”.
From there Hitler was set up as an honoured guest in Berlin, where he was installed as “Grossmufti” or “Grand Mufti”.
Haj Amin set up an Arab Legion, to fight as part of the Nazi war effort and organised Muslim Wehrmacht units and a Muslim SS unit in Yugoslavia that was responsible for the genocide of hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews and Gypsies, and also Nazi Muslim units, alongside German forces in the Soviet Union.
His major role was to intercede with Axis governments to prevent the evacuation of thousands of Jewish children to “Palestine”, and redirect them instead to the death camps.
Dieter Wisliceny of the Nazi SS, and a key executioner of the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question”, testified: “The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and adviser of (Adolf) Eichmann and (Heinrich) Himmler (Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel, the SS) in the execution of his plan… He was one of Eichmann’s best friends and had constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures. I heard him say that accompanied by Eichmann, he had visited incognito the gas chambers of Auschwitz.”
In a 1974 conversation between Syrian President Hafez Assad and Druze politician Walid Jumblatt, Assad stated that the Arabs “remembered Hitler in a positive way” after which Jumblatt agreed: “At least he saved us from the Zionists… National Socialism should be revered a bit.”

July 27, 2023 at 7:01 am
‘Arab Palestine Nazism’ since at least 1933
* 1933 – March, 2 months after Hitler came to power, the Mufti [Haj Amin al-Husseini / al-Husayni] meets German consul, offers alliance against democracies, for fascism. [1]
* ‘Falastin’, April 4, 1933, expressed appreciation for Nazi leader Adolf Hitler vs Arab Palestinian leaders. [2]
* April 1933 German Consul Wolff was contacted by the Palestine correspondent of al-Ahram, J. Francis, spokesman for a group of Palestinian Arabs. [3].
* ‘Falastin’, May 1933, calls Hitler “noble”, justifies his persecution of the Jews. [4]
* El Karmel, [Karmil] May 14, 1933 : “Will an Arab Hitler appear among us to awaken, unite and lead us to lead us to fight and defend our rights?” [5]
* Al-Difa [Ad Difa’a] had long published translated excerpts from Hitler’s Mein Kampf’s book, glorified Nazis, al-Shanti, called on Arab youth (in an article from June 1, 1934) to “learn from Hitler’s actions and imitate them.” [6]
* June 1933, Jamal al-Husseini ordered 10 copies of ‘Mein Kampf’ and that old forgery “The Protocols.” [7]
* March 15, 1935, The Templars’ ‘Die Warte des Tempels’ wrote: many Arabs saw Hitler as the most important man of the 20th century and almost every Arab knew his name. Fascism and National Socialism with its anti-Jewish attitude were accepted positively by many Arabs.
* An Apr 25, 1935 (The Sentinel) report: “From time to time, anti-Jewish slogans written in Arabic and German, and embellished with the swastika, appear on vacant walls and boardings in different Palestine towns, enjoining a boycott of Jewish goods and enterprises… According to well-informed local quarters, the origin of these throwaways is in a central Nazi propaganda agent for Palestine who it is believed, works through Arab Fascists.
An attempt at Fascism was started some eigh teen months ago as “the only hope of Arab salvation in the present state of the Arab nationalist cause,” as one young leader said. The object was to introduce an ultra-nationalistic spirit among the Arab youth. But it was more closely modelled on the National-Socialist brand of Fascism than the Italian, because the German politics embodied anti-Semitism as the central motive.
The majority of the pseudo-Fascists of Palestine is thought to be drawn from.. Arab youth and their “boss” is Issa Al Bandak, editor of a Bethlehem newspaper, who is credited some two years ago with an article seeking a transfer of the British Mandate for Palestine to Germany because, as he said, this country has shown its alertness to the “Jewish [sic] menace” and could be relied upon to effect similar “justice [sic] against the Jews” in the Holy Land! But he forgot to add that according to the Nazi racial theory, Arabs are just as non-Aryan and Semitic as the Jews… Arab Fascists … local observers think that a few of their number are working secretly at anti-Jewish propaganda of a virulent kind, such as is manifested in the swastika- signed exhortations.”
* May-June 1935, Arabs in Haifa found Nazi club ‘Red Moon.’ [8]. In May: as Arab delegates returned from Haifa Arab youth conference – Swastika on train beneath it, inscription ‘Germany above all,’ In Arabic. [9].
* June 25, 1935, Al Difa’a reported that “uniformed and Nazified” Arab youth troops are being formed in Palestine.’ [10].
* 1935-6, The Mufti, with Jamal al-Husseini establish the Futuwwa – modeled on Hitler Youth. [11].
* At ‘Falastin’, January 5, 1936: “It is very easy to explain our youth’s sympathy for the fascist idea.”
* 1936-8: “Nazi flags and pictures of Hitler were prominently displayed in store windows. Booklets explaining Nazi methods of forcing Jews from the Reich were distributed freely… The shout of ‘Heil Hitler’ became a catchword which rang insolently over all Palestine.” [12].
* 1936-9, Hilda Wilson, a teacher at Birzeit throughout the revolt, noted that most of her students were pro-Nazi and approved of Hitler. [13]
* New York Times, May 23, 1937, ‘All’ of Palestine celebrated Muhammad’s birthday with flying Nazi swastika and pictures of Hitler.
* 1937, Walter Doehle, German consul in Jerusalem: “Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathies for the new Germany and its Führer…” [14]
* Awni Abd al-Hadi (Istiqlal & AHC) in Jan 1937 to Nazi magazine : ‘Arabs Like Nazis.’ [15]
* In December 1937, both prominent Arab newspapers papers’ editors, al Issa of ‘Falastin’ and al-Shanti of ‘Al Difaa’, meet Nazi Envoy, Goebbels aide, Hans Schwarz van [von] Berk. [16]
* 1937, Mufti meets Eichman’s associates [17]. (After a Zionist bribed British not to let Eichmann to enter Palestine [18]).
* ‘Falastin’, Sep 1938, reacting to Hitler’s speech, describes dictatorship as against [sic] Jewish so-called control. [19].
* 1938, some 100 Arabs, including from Palestine, represented in Nuremberg. [20].
* 1938, Arabs and Nazi officials at ‘Palestine’ ball in Berlin. [21].
* In Mohamed Ali Eltaher published (Aschoura) “Al-Shabab” [The Youth] – in the Oct. 26,1938 issue: “Allah is the guardian of the people of Palestine who have neither Hitler nor a nation for them.”
* Falastin’s correspondent in London, [22] Issa Nakhleh, defends Arab Propaganda Center in Berlin, [23] July 1939.
* Journalist John Gunther in 1939: “The greatest contemporary Arab hero is — Adolf Hitler.”
* Ahmad [Shukairy / Shuqayri] Shukeiri’s testimony in his (1969) book that they (all) sympathized with the Nazis, referring to 1940-1. [24].
* Jaffa Arab activist reacalls: “Most of the Arabs in Israel were in favor of Nazi Germany.” [25].
* Sakakini’s Feb. 1941 poll – 88% of Arab-Palestine favoring the Axis. [26].
* Dr. Zaid Hamzeh (was 9 yrs old in 1941): “We Arabs supported Hitler during WWII because he hated the Jews,” (recalled on October 9, 2019, in an interview on A One TV Jordan).
* 1941-1945, Mufti among instigators (with D. Al-Miqdadi, Zuaiter, Saba’wi [27]) toward Farhoud pogrom; worked with the Nazis; venemous [28] –with Fawzi al-Qawuqji [29] & Younes Bahri– lying broadcast to the Arab world – including calls to kill Jews everywhere; Nazism in Arabic publication – ‘Barid al-Sharq’ (with Shakib Arslan) [30]; plotted Crematorium in Dotan [31]; led SS Muslims units [32] – his hate booklet on Islam and his interpretation on Jews – first published by M. Ali Eltaher in 1937 [33] – was used to inspire them in 1934/4; his 1941 draft, demanding from the Axis to ‘deal’ with Jews in Arab counties – be treated “by the same method that the ‘question’ is now being settled in the Axis counties” ![34]; intervened against children from being escaped to Palestine [35]; visited conectration camps (Trebbin & Monowitz) [36]; (bragged that) Himmler told him July 1943, up to then, they exterminated 3 Million Jews [37]; for months: urged the Nazis to bomb Tel Aviv. [38].
* Pro-Nazi Mufti and concensus. Per Edward Said, pro-Nazi Mufti represented the consensus of Palestine Arabs. [39]
In his book (1983:7): “the Arab Higher Committee; it functioned … particularly since 1946… This committee, chaired by Palestine’s national leader, Hajj Amin al-Hussaini, represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus, had the backing of the Palestinian political parties that functioned in Palestine, and recognized in some form by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people, until the P.LO….”
* CIA August 1942 report: “majority of the Arabs in Palestine Palestinian Arabs are fiercely ‘anti-Jewish’… the radicals, who form a majority, see in the approach of Rommel an ideal opportunity to murder all Jews their seize their property.” [40].
* In 1942, reaction of most Arabs in Palestine upon hearing the fate of the Jews in Europe, was: ‘open joy.’ [41].
* Dec 21, 1942 letter, representatives of the Reich and the NSDAP in Palestine described the Arabs’ hope for a great Arab state: “Arabs in Palestine were waiting for Hitler to come to Palestine and expel all the Jews.” [42].
* Oct 1945, before the Nuremberg Trials, the ”Falastin” defends Nazism as supposedly “as much a way of life as democracy and socialism.” [43].
* 1946, Jamal al-Husseini and Ahmad Shukeiri justify the Holocaust. [44].
* Oct 1946: following the hanging of Nazi war criminals, the Arabic press full of praise for the dead Nazis: Ad Difaa, Al Wahda, Falastin. [44].
* 1947/8 Massive recruiting of Nazis to train Arabs against the Jews. [46].
[1]. Herf, J. (2009) Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World. United States: Yale University Press, p. 16.
[2]. Kabaha, M. (2007). The Palestinian Press as Shaper of Public Opinion 1929-39: Writing Up a Storm. United Kingdom: Vallentine Mitchell, p.142.
[3]. Die Welt des Islams. (1985). Germany: D. Reimer. Vols. 25-27, pp. 143-6.
[4]. Palestine Post, May 22, 1933. (5).
[5]. Erlich, H. (2002). The Middle East Between the World Wars (Heb.). Tel Aviv: Open University, p. 81.
[6]. Ibid.
[7]. The Sentinel, 15 June 1933. (13).
[8]. The Sentinel, 11 July 1935. (34).
[8]. Palestine Post, May 13, 1935. (7).
[19]. JTA, June 25, 1935. (4).
[11]. Rosen, D. M. (2005). Armies of the Young: Child Soldiers in War and Terrorism. United Kingdom: Rutgers University Press, p. 107.
[12]. Ziff, W. (1938). The Rape of Palestine. New York/Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., pp. 417, 430.
[13] Segev, T. (2001). One Palestine… United Kingdom: Picador. p. 412.
[14]. Julius, L., “Arab anti-Semitism, and the Nazis,” Jewish Journal, Feb 8, 2018.
[15]. The Sentinel, 25 Feb. 1937. (37).
[16]. The Sentinel, 16 December 1937. (3)
[17]. The Librarians, Malul, C. (June 11, 2017). “Adolf Eichmann’s Secret Visit to Palestine.”
[18]. Ibid; Maariv, Dec. 21, 1966; Ynet, Apr 22, 2017. (In Heb.).
[19]. Palestine Post, 16 Sep. 1938. (2).
[20]. Australian Jewish News, Sep. 23, 1938.
[21]. Hatzofeh, Aug. 3, 1938. (2). (In Heb.).
[22]. The Palestine Post, 14 January 1938 (2). “A Gliding Policy.”
[23]. The Palestine Post, 13 July 1939. (6). “The ‘Settlement’ in Palestine A Triumph For The ‘Axis’
[24]. Kedourie, E. (1964). Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies. Cass books on the Middle East, Psychology Press, pp. 189-190.
[25]. Arbel, T. (2000). The story of Muhammad Abu Sarari (Heb.). Israel: Docostory, p. 19.
[26]. Morris, B. (2008). 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War, p. 21.
[27]. Ben-Yaacob, A. (1965). Babylonian Jewry : from the End of the Gaonic Period (1038 CE) to the Present Time (Heb.). Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, pp. 248-50.
[28]. Küntzel, M. ‘Nazi propaganda in the middle east And its repercussion in the post war period,’ in ‘Comprehending Antisemitism Through the Ages: A Historical Perspective.’ (2021). De Gruyter.
[29]. Cüppers, M., Mallmann, K. (2010). Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine. United Kingdom: Enigma Books, p. 83.
[30]. Motadel, D. (2014). Islam and Nazi Germany’s War. United Kingdom: Harvard University Press, p. 88.
[31]. Kanaan, H. (1973). Two hundred days of dread: Palestine facing Rommel’s army (Heb.). Tel Aviv: Mul-Art, p. 240.
[32]. McKale, D. M. (2006). Hitler’s Shadow War: The Holocaust and World War II. United States: Taylor Trade Publishing, p. 353.
[33]. Küntzel, M. (2023). ‘1937, The Watershed’ in ‘Nazis, Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East: The 1948 Arab War Against Israel and the Aftershocks of World War II.’ (n.p.): Taylor & Francis.
[34]. USArchII, T120, R63, S71, F50682 ff., B255147, qtd in Rubin, B., Schwanitz, W. G. (2014). Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East. United Kingdom: Yale University Press; “Grand Mufti Husseini Asked Hitler to Help with Arab ‘final Solution’, ” JTA, July 23, 1991.
[35]. Gilbert, M. (2014). The Routledge Atlas of the Second World War. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, p. 109.
[36]. Schwanitz, W. G., “Photographic Evidence Shows Palestinian Leader Amin al-Husseini at a Nazi Concentration Camp,” Tablet Magazine, Apr 6, 2021; Van Koningsveld, “A. Hitler’s Palestinian Ally: Grand Mufti Amin Al-Husseini,” HonestReporting, February 10, 2021.
Schwanitz, W. G., Rubin, B. (2014). Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East. United Kingdom: Yale University Press, p. 185.
[38]. Cüppers, M., Mallmann, K. (2010). Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine. United Kingdom: Enigma Books, p. 199.
[39]. Mather, R., “Hitler’s war against Jews continues in ‘Palestine,'” Jerusalem Post, Mar 16, 2015; Herf J., “Not in Moderation,” The New Republic, Oct 31, 2010.
[40]. Herf, J. (2009). ‘Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World,’ p. 139.
[41]. Cohen, M. J. (2014). “The Arabs and Nazi Germany,” in “Britain’s Moment in Palestine: Retrospect and Perspectives, 1917-1948.” United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
[42]. Letter and special report, Chef der Sicherheitspolizei to Reichsführer SS, 21 Dec. 1942, BArch,. NS 19/186.
[43]. “Falastin Defends Nazism.” The Palestine Post, 31 October 1945. (3);
“Jewish Press Is Censored; Arabs Free To Blast Truman.” By Malkah Raymist, Youngstown Vindicator, Dec 28, 1945. (10).
[44]. B’nai B’rith Messenger, July 12, 1946. (6).
[45]. “Arabic Press On Nazi Hangings.” The Palestine Post, 18 October, 1946. (1).
[46]. Frantzman, S. J.. (June 18, 2017) “TERRA INCOGNITA – The Palestinian mufti’s intersectionality with the Nazis”, Jerusalem Post.
August 7, 2023 at 8:07 am
Arab Palestine Nazism’ since at least 1933
* 1933 – March, 2 months after Hitler came to power, the Mufti [Haj Amin al-Husseini / al-Husayni] meets German consul, offers alliance against democracies, for fascism. [1]
Just three months later, he was able to report on the “intended establishment of an Arab National Socialist party.” [2]
* ‘Falastin’, April 4, 1933, expressed appreciation for Nazi leader Adolf Hitler vs Arab Palestinian leaders. [3]
* April 1933 German Consul Wolff was contacted by the Palestine correspondent of al-Ahram, J. Francis, spokesman for a group of Palestinian Arabs. [4].
* ‘Falastin’, May 1933, calls Hitler “noble”, justifies his persecution of the Jews. [5]
* El Karmel, [Karmil] May 14, 1933 : “Will an Arab Hitler appear among us to awaken, unite and lead us to lead us to fight and defend our rights?” [6]
* Al-Difa [Ad Difa’a] had long published translated excerpts from Hitler’s Mein Kampf’s book, glorified Nazis, al-Shanti, called on Arab youth (in an article from June 1, 1934) to “learn from Hitler’s actions and imitate them.” [7]
* June 1933, Jamal al-Husseini ordered 10 copies of ‘Mein Kampf’ and that old forgery “The Protocols.” [8]
* March 15, 1935, The Templars’ ‘Die Warte des Tempels’ wrote: many Arabs saw Hitler as the most important man of the 20th century and almost every Arab knew his name. Fascism and National Socialism with its anti-Jewish attitude were accepted positively by many Arabs.
* An Apr 25, 1935 (The Sentinel) report: “From time to time, anti-Jewish slogans written in Arabic and German, and embellished with the swastika, appear on vacant walls and boardings in different Palestine towns, enjoining a boycott of Jewish goods and enterprises… According to well-informed local quarters, the origin of these throwaways is in a central Nazi propaganda agent for Palestine who it is believed, works through Arab Fascists.
An attempt at Fascism was started some eigh teen months ago as “the only hope of Arab salvation in the present state of the Arab nationalist cause,” as one young leader said. The object was to introduce an ultra-nationalistic spirit among the Arab youth. But it was more closely modelled on the National-Socialist brand of Fascism than the Italian, because the German politics embodied anti-Semitism as the central motive.
The majority of the pseudo-Fascists of Palestine is thought to be drawn from.. Arab youth and their “boss” is Issa Al Bandak, editor of a Bethlehem newspaper, who is credited some two years ago with an article seeking a transfer of the British Mandate for Palestine to Germany because, as he said, this country has shown its alertness to the “Jewish [sic] menace” and could be relied upon to effect similar “justice [sic] against the Jews” in the Holy Land! But he forgot to add that according to the Nazi racial theory, Arabs are just as non-Aryan and Semitic as the Jews… Arab Fascists … local observers think that a few of their number are working secretly at anti-Jewish propaganda of a virulent kind, such as is manifested in the swastika- signed exhortations.”
* May-June 1935, Arabs in Haifa found Nazi club ‘Red Moon.’ [9]. In May: as Arab delegates returned from Haifa Arab youth conference – Swastika on train [10] beneath it, inscription ‘Germany above all,’ In Arabic. [11].
* June 25, 1935, Al Difa’a reported that “uniformed and Nazified” Arab youth troops are being formed in Palestine.’ [12].
* 1935-6, The Mufti, with Jamal al-Husseini establish the Futuwwa – modeled on Hitler Youth. [13].
* At ‘Falastin’, January 5, 1936: “It is very easy to explain our youth’s sympathy for the fascist idea.”
* 1936-8: “Nazi flags and pictures of Hitler were prominently displayed in store windows. Booklets explaining Nazi methods of forcing Jews from the Reich were distributed freely… The shout of ‘Heil Hitler’ became a catchword which rang insolently over all Palestine.” [14].
Arab terrorist organizations paraded; brown-clad “storm troopers” marched, shouting “Heil Hitler!” Late in March there was a meeting of influential Arabs in Safed to plan the uprising. Fifteen days before this openly ignited bomb burst, the Revisionist leader Jabotinsky tried to warn the High Commissioner, who treated his warning contemptuously.’ [15].
In April 1936, ‘the hand of the Nazi reached into Palestine itself. The Mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler’s friend, instigated riots, telling his followers that Jewish immigration would bring in people who would destroy the Arab population . The riots started in Jaffa. The Arabs cried, “The government is with us,” thinking that the British restrictions on Jewish immigration meant they favored the Arabs. Nazi-inspired slogans were shouted in the streets: “Heil Hitler” and “The J… are a gang of swindlers [sic], a menace to all mankind.” Pictures of Hitler were placed in the windows of Arab shops, and phonographs blared “Kill the Jews!” ‘ [16].
* 1936-9, Hilda Wilson, a teacher at Birzeit throughout the revolt, noted that most of her students were pro-Nazi and approved of Hitler. [17]
* New York Times, May 23, 1937, ‘All’ of Palestine celebrated Muhammad’s birthday with flying Nazi swastika and pictures of Hitler.
* 1937, Walter Doehle, German consul in Jerusalem: “Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathies for the new Germany and its Führer…” [18]
* Awni Abd al-Hadi (Istiqlal & AHC) in Jan 1937 to Nazi magazine : ‘Arabs Like Nazis.’ [19]
* In December 1937, both prominent Arab newspapers’ editors, al Issa of ‘Falastin’ and al-Shanti of ‘Al Difaa’, meet Nazi Envoy, Goebbels aide, Hans Schwarz van [von] Berk. [20]
* 1937, Mufti meets Eichman’s associates [21]. (After a Zionist bribed British not to let Eichmann to enter Palestine [22]).
* ‘Marianne’ (French) Magazine, Fall 1938: Arab journals Falastin and Al Difa’a publish every week articles with a racial tendency and frequently reproduce large portraits of various leaders of the Third Reich.
* ‘Falastin’, Sep 1938, reacting to Hitler’s speech, describes dictatorship as against [sic] Jewish so-called control. [23].
* 1938, some 100 Arabs, including from Palestine, represented in Nuremberg. [24].
* 1938, Arabs and Nazi officials at ‘Palestine’ ball in Berlin. [25].
* In Mohamed Ali Eltaher published (Aschoura) “Al-Shabab” [The Youth] – in the Oct. 26,1938 issue: “Allah is the guardian of the people of Palestine who have neither Hitler nor a nation for them.”
* Falastin’s correspondent in London, [26] Issa Nakhleh, defends Arab Propaganda Center in Berlin, [27] July 1939.
* Journalist John Gunther in 1939: “The greatest contemporary Arab hero is — Adolf Hitler.”
* Ahmad [Shukairy / Shuqayri] Shukeiri’s testimony in his (1969) book that they (all) sympathized with the Nazis, referring to 1940-1. [28].
* Jaffa Arab activist reacalls: “Most of the Arabs in Israel were in favor of Nazi Germany.” [29].
* Sakakini’s Feb. 1941 poll – 88% of Arab-Palestine favoring the Axis. [30].
* Dr. Zaid Hamzeh (was 9 yrs old in 1941): “We Arabs supported Hitler during WWII because he hated the Jews,” (recalled on October 9, 2019, in an interview on A One TV Jordan).
* 1941-1945, Mufti among instigators (with D. Al-Miqdadi, Zuaiter, Saba’wi [31]) toward Farhoud pogrom; worked with the Nazis; venemous [32] –with Fawzi al-Qawuqji [33] & Younes Bahri– lying broadcast to the Arab world – including calls to kill Jews everywhere; Nazism in Arabic publication – ‘Barid al-Sharq’ (with Shakib Arslan) [34]; plotted Crematorium in Dotan [35]; led SS Muslims units [36] – his hate booklet on Islam and his interpretation on Jews – first published by M. Ali Eltaher in 1937 [37] – was used to inspire them in 1934/4; his 1941 draft, demanding from the Axis to ‘deal’ with Jews in Arab counties – be treated “by the same method that the ‘question’ is now being settled in the Axis counties” ![38]; intervened against children from being escaped to Palestine [39]; visited concentration camps (Trebbin & Monowitz) [40]; (bragged that) Himmler told him July 1943, up to then, they exterminated 3 Million Jews [41]; for months: urged the Nazis to bomb Tel Aviv. [42].
* Pro-Nazi Mufti and concensus: Per Edward Said, pro-Nazi Mufti represented the consensus of Palestine Arabs. [43]
In his book (1983:7): “the Arab Higher Committee; it functioned … particularly since 1946… This committee, chaired by Palestine’s national leader, Hajj Amin al-Hussaini, represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus, had the backing of the Palestinian political parties that functioned in Palestine, and recognized in some form by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people, until the P.LO….”
* CIA August 1942 report: “majority of the Arabs in Palestine Palestinian Arabs are fiercely ‘anti-Jewish’… the radicals, who form a majority, see in the approach of Rommel an ideal opportunity to murder all Jews their seize their property.” [44].
* In 1942, reaction of most Arabs in Palestine upon hearing the fate of the Jews in Europe, was: ‘open joy.’ [45].
* Dec 21, 1942 letter, representatives of the Reich and the NSDAP in Palestine described the Arabs’ hope for a great Arab state: “Arabs in Palestine were waiting for Hitler to come to Palestine and expel all the Jews.” [46].
* Jan 1946, Palestine “Arab newspapers gave great prominence to the text of Adolf Hitler’s last will and testament under big headlines quoting Hiter’s allegations that the Jews were responsible [sic] for the war.” Ad Difa’a “carried alongside the testament a large photograph of Hitler.” [47]
* Oct 1945, before the Nuremberg Trials, the ”Falastin” defends Nazism as supposedly “as much a way of life as democracy and socialism.” [48].
* 1946, Jamal al-Husseini and Ahmad Shukeiri justify the Holocaust. [49].
* Oct 1946: following the hanging of Nazi war criminals, the Arabic press full of praise for the dead Nazis: Ad Difaa, Al Wahda, Falastin. [50].
* 1947/8 Massive recruiting of Nazis to train Arabs against the Jews. [51].
* Dec 1947, the ‘Al Asas’ [الأساس], close to the Egyptian government, carries a long piece titled: “The spirit [sic] of Hitler is fighting Zionism in Palestine,” summarizing the decisions of the Arab prime ministers and recent developments. That the Arab who bought Hitler’s cruise ship, makes it available to the Arab “Salvation Army” [جيش الإنقاذ] of Palestine to help “preserve” the Arab shores and prevent “Zionist infiltration,” the S.A. will “equip the ship and will make a nucleus for the first Arab fleet.” [52].
[1]. Herf, J. (2009) Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World. United States: Yale University Press, p. 16.
DKG Jerusalem to AA, June 27, 1933. PAAA, R 78325. Cüppers, M., Mallmann, K. (2010). Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine. United Kingdom: Enigma Books, p. 37.
[3]. Kabaha, M. (2007). The Palestinian Press as Shaper of Public Opinion 1929-39: Writing Up a Storm. United Kingdom: Vallentine Mitchell, p.142.
[4]. Die Welt des Islams. (1985). Germany: D. Reimer. Vols. 25-27, pp. 143-6.
[5]. Palestine Post, May 22, 1933. (5).
[6]. Erlich, H. (2002). The Middle East Between the World Wars (Heb.). Tel Aviv: Open University, p. 81.
[7]. Ibid.
[8]. The Sentinel, 15 June 1933. (13).
[9]. The Sentinel, 11 July 1935. (34).
“Palestine Train Flies Swastika.” The New York Times, May 13, 1935.
[11]. Palestine Post, May 13, 1935. (7).
[13]. JTA, June 25, 1935. (4).
[13]. Rosen, D. M. (2005). Armies of the Young: Child Soldiers in War and Terrorism. United Kingdom: Rutgers University Press, p. 107.
[14]. Ziff, W. (1938). The Rape of Palestine. New York/Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., pp. 417, 430.
Fineman, I. (1961). Woman of Valor: The Life of Henrietta Szold, 1860-1945. United States: Simon and Schuster, p. 382.
Krantz, H. (1995). Daughter of my people: Henrietta Szold and Hadassah. United States: Jason Aronson, p. 112.
[17] Segev, T. (2001). One Palestine… United Kingdom: Picador. p. 412.
[18]. Julius, L., “Arab anti-Semitism, and the Nazis,” Jewish Journal, Feb 8, 2018.
[19]. The Sentinel, 25 Feb. 1937. (37).
[20]. The Sentinel, 16 December 1937. (3)
[21]. The Librarians, Malul, C. (June 11, 2017). “Adolf Eichmann’s Secret Visit to Palestine.”
[22]. Ibid; Maariv, Dec. 21, 1966; Ynet, Apr 22, 2017. (In Heb.).
[23]. Palestine Post, 16 Sep. 1938. (2).
[24]. Australian Jewish News, Sep. 23, 1938.
[25]. Hatzofeh, Aug. 3, 1938. (2). (In Heb.).
[26]. The Palestine Post, 14 January 1938 (2). “A Gliding Policy.”
[27]. The Palestine Post, 13 July 1939. (6). “The ‘Settlement’ in Palestine A Triumph For The ‘Axis’
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