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Holomisa, Lekota: Israel NOT apartheid state




The parliamentarians represented a diverse range of parties (see picture below), were guests of the South African Friends of Israel (SAFI) – a not-for-profit organisation which promotes interfaith dialogue between various SA political groups and the tour was led by the national chair of the SAZF, Ben Swartz.

Holomisa - Terror Lekota

RIGHT: Mosiuoa Lekota, the leader of COPE, was one of those who participated in radio Islam’s attempt to label Israel as an Apartheid state. Listen to the interview here: THE PODCAST

Swartz afterwards told Jewish Report of his satisfaction that the group had gained “a very balanced perspective” during their stay, to enable them to play a constructive role in the Mideast conflict going forward. 

MPs experience Israel – first hand

Holomisa FULL - group picture

PICTURED ABOVE are Dr Pieter Mulder, Freedom Front Plus; the Rev Kenneth Meshoe of the ACDP; Dr Mangosuthu Buthelezi of the IFP; Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat; Mosiuoa Lekota of Cope; Bantu Holomisa of the UDM; and Ben Swartz, national chairman of the SAZF

The group, most of them leaders of diverse opposition parties, were impressed with what they saw and who they met, All-in-all the trip can be described as one which overwhelmingly educated its audience to the realities of Israel and the further enormous opportunities that exist between the Holy Land and South Africa.

SAFI, says Swartz, is careful not to convert these visits into “propaganda tours”, but it aims to allow its guests to meet a wide spectrum of opinion-makers in Israel and the territories and make up their own minds.

They met with members of the Palestinian Authority, had breakfast with Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, and met members of Israel’s Knesset.

But it wasn’t all politics… The group visited the Volcani Institute of Agricultural Research as well as the Wolfson Medical Centre in Tel Aviv. 

LISTEN TO THE PODCAST to hear what they say

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  1. Faith

    September 29, 2015 at 7:03 pm

    ‘We thank you for aligning with Israel, God’s people. God who does not chsnge, said He will bless those who bless Israel and He will separate between sheep nations and goat nations. We don’t want to be a goat nation. Please read Zechariah 14! 

    We really want to make the right choices. 

    Blessings! ‘

  2. nat cheiman

    October 7, 2015 at 1:47 pm

    ‘Nice coup. Now these politico’s can make up their own minds and not be swayed by sheep, such as Bapela.

    Incidentally, when I saw Bapela’s picture, I realized that there must be life on other planets. ‘

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