Letters/Discussion Forums

How could a swear word appear in SA Jewish Report?

On page 4 of your March 23 issue, under the headline “SAUJS rises above IAW Holocaust slur”, there is a picture of graffiti that appeared on pillars at Wits University during Israel Apartheid Week.



Nicolas Jude, Johannesburg

I am shocked and disappointed that you did not blank out the swear word in the picture.

The SA Jewish Report is given out free at many local shops and many children read the paper. In fact, I found out about the photo when my eight-year-old son came to tell me what he had just seen.

A similar article that appeared in a local secular newspaper reported the slur as “F—”.

I think your editor needs some introspection as to why this was not amended, considering the readers of the paper.

Not only is it highly offensive, it is also totally irresponsible to let young kids see this.

I assure you we do not take putting swear words in the newspaper lightly. However, as a newspaper, it is our duty to tell or show you the truth. We do not, as a rule, alter photographs – as that would not be accurate. While I accept seeing this photograph is shocking, it is indeed shocking for all of us – no matter what age. – Editor

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    April 12, 2018 at 8:57 am

    ‘The swear word is indicative of the depths many anti-Semites will go to in order to display their depravity and vacancy regarding Jews.

    SAJR did the correct thing and did not obliterate nor pretend that such things do not happen.’

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