
Howard Feldman ‘belittles’ South African Jews

I refer to recent articles by Howard Feldman in the SA Jewish Report



Chaim Cohen, Johannesburg ​

This is a parody:

“Dear Heidi, do you wake up Grumpy in the morning?”

Heidi: “No, I allow him to sleep. “

Does Feldman ever have anything complimentary to write about our wonderful Jewish society and community which is the envy of the wider Jewish world?

Is it his commission and appointment to belittle, insult, degrade, denigrate, disparage and demean our Johannesburg and South African Jewry from Pesach to Shabbat and in numerous other articles?



1 Comment

  1. LS

    October 2, 2017 at 11:40 am

    ‘So we must live in a delusional society where we are never allowed to criticize each other or acknowledge wrong doing within the community?


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