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Huge excitement as Selwyn Segal campers set off




A group of eight Selwyn Segal residents set off for a week at Bnei Akiva’s Shevet Yuval camp in Hartenbos – together with a housemother and personal care worker.

“This is the second group to enjoy the Shevet Yuval camp experience,” the Chev’s Head of Group Communications Tziva Grauman told SAJR Online. “After last year’s pilot was such a wonderful success, a similar-sized group, together with a housemother and personal care worker from Selwyn Segal to assist in their care.”

The campers return on 19 December. Their Rosh Machaneh is Jessica Winer and there are six madrichim.

Shevet Yuval is a Bnei Akiva initiative that caters for adolescents and young adults with special needs and aims to integrate  them with community youth. 

“Saul Jassinovsky is Rosh Shevet Yuval and the initiative was launched in SA in 2012, although it has functioned with great success for many years in Israel, Australia and Canada,” said Tzivia. 

 SS - leaving for camp

ABOVE: An excited group of staff, residents and family-members congregated to bid the campers farewell

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1 Comment

  1. Choni

    December 23, 2013 at 6:49 am

    Just to let you know that a wonderful time was held by all.

    A big Yasher koach to all who made this possible.

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