Letters/Discussion Forums
Hypocrisy of singling out Israel is astounding
.A letter was signed by 52 Jews, among them some prominent personalities, who condemn the “completely disproportionate” assault by Israel’s bombing of Gaza; and they have called for all diplomatic ties with Israel to be cut. That is certainly their prerogative and they are entitled to their views – which I respect.
What one fails to understand is that while they are being comparative in their statement (disproportionate is a comparative statement), is their hypocrisy in singling only Israel as perpetrating a “disproportionate assault”. Are they alluding to the lack of Israeli casualties? Would they feel more comfortable if the asymmetric death toll was more balanced?
But perhaps these 52 can help me understand why those little children being gassed with chemical weapons, subjected to cluster bombs and barrel bombs, slaughtered in the most grotesque manner in Syria every day for the past three years, in numbers that defy imagination, are not receiving the same concern?
More children are blown to bits in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya every day than all those during the Gaza war. Are they less worthy of the attention of these 52? Are we reading George Orwell all over again?
Yes, these 52 might argue that the Syrians – even those 200 000 to 300 000 – no longer alive, were not living under occupation.
Perhaps if our 52 were to ask any Syrian if he would rather be living under occupation (where an elected Palestinian authority controls almost all aspects of civilian life) or in Syria, those Jews might be surprised at the reply.
So, while the carnage continues and the refugee problem swells to over three million, our 52 make no call for the Syrian legation to be expelled or to recall our diplomats from the slaughter centre of the world! Only the Israelis must go!
Rosebank, Johannesburg
July 24, 2014 at 8:36 am
‘Could the reason not be that Israel claims to be \”the only bastion of Democ-kracy\”in the Middle East.’
Gary Selikow
July 24, 2014 at 4:48 pm
‘A few words on these vile Jewish traitors and cowards
they claim ot un-Jewish to criticize the state of Israel. Oh but it is very un-Jewish and inhumane too , for Jews in New York , Paris, Johannesburg , Sydney or London to show such lack of compassion for their fellow Jews in Israel, and even hostility , cruelly supporting those who are brutally murdering Jewish men , women and children in Israel.
What makes these leftist diaspora Jews think that their lives are so much more important than that of Jews in Israel.
I think it is high time that we dealt with, and stopped tolerating, Jews who turn on their own people, i.e. Left-wing anti-Zionist, anti-Israel Jews. What these leftist anti-Zionists are practising is a form of racism against Israeli Jews. The fact that they are born Jewish does not excuse this violent and revolting racism.
These self-hating Jews do incalculable damage to the struggle of Israel to survive, and they encourage Arab terror. They are completely heartless, lacking any compassion for Jewish women and children murdered by the Palestinian terrorists in Israel.
It is time we exposed and isolated these despicable Judenrat Kapos. They should be completely isolated from the Jewish communities in every country in which they are found.
How can human beings , let alone Jews, show solidarity with the perpetrators of the murder carried out by the PLO and Hamas and their positions?
How can they have anything positive to say of those monsters who can calmly assemble a device designed to mutilate the bodies of children , and destroy countless human lives?
I cannot and will not keep company with those who make common cause with modern-day Arab Nazis who shoot a pregnant Jewish woman at point blank range before executing her four terrified small daughters.
I shall always shun those who show any acceptance of the perpetrators of such atrocities and will continue to condemmn those whose twisted ideas suggest any equivocation of Israel’s self-defence with brutal Arab terror.
Seriously , I pray that all Israel-haters and anti-Zionists burn in hell forever.
Gary Selikow
July 24, 2014 at 4:53 pm
‘No other country has ever behaved as ethically towards the civilian population of an enemy nation in wartime as has Israel. In a fight for her survival against a ruthless enemy that targets her women and children and aims for the destruction of every Jew inside her borders Israel has always done all in its power to avoid harming /Arab civilians.
Compare this to the Allied bombing of Dresden during World War II or the horrific nuclear destruction of the Japanese cities of hiroshima and Nagasaki,
There can be no solution to the conflict until people realize that Israeli Jews are also entitled to human rights.’