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“I love Hitler” says Wits SRC president




Wits Student Representative Council (SRC) President, Mcebo Dlamini, has caused a huge controversy by posting a Facebook comment in a thread regarding the State of Israel on Saturday. “I love Adolf Hitler,” he posted, and subsequently told campus newspaper Vuvuzela that “he admired the German leader (who sent millions to death camp), for his ‘charisma’ and ‘organisational skills’.”

Blade Mcebo-DlaminDlamini is now facing a disciplinary enquiry by Wits and the “harshest action possible” by the Jewish students organisation SAUJS.


RIGHT: Mcebo Dlamini: He thought he was king of the Campus, now he may find himself clowning on the streets

Dlamini is also the subject of several other investigations of extremely irregular behaviour. One of the reports of a high-level enquiry is expected to be released this week.

A commenter had written: “Hitler new—15-natan-pollak—home.jpg” class=”sfImageWrapper”>SAUJS - 15 Natan Pollak - HOME

LEFT: When challenged and told that his posts – like this one – had been reported to Facebook, SRC President Dlamini responded:

“Shame nxaaaaa (expletive deleted) am not removing it… truth hurts… face it… murderers.”


“I have researched about president” class=”sfImageWrapper”>Habib Adam 15The SRC President’s Facebook posts regarding Adolf Hitler and his subsequent comments to our student newspaper were forwarded to me over the weekend by a number of concerned staff, students and alumni.

RIGHT: No-nonsense VC Prof Adam Habib


I have emailed the SRC President and asked him to account for his remarks but have not yet received a response.

The Facebook posts and subsequent comments are racist and offensive in the extreme. They make disparaging remarks about various communities and assume a similar characteristic among all white people. Disturbingly, they valorise a racist autocrat who was responsible for the murder of millions of people. Valorising such an individual is utterly unacceptable and especially dangerous in a climate where we are experiencing xenophobic attacks. It violates the fundamental values of Wits University.

In my email to the SRC President, I indicated that Wits strives to be a pluralistic institution and defends freedom of speech, even when this means allowing the expression of views that do not accord with our own views and values. However, we expect our officials to be circumspect in their utterances and to act within the values of the institution. This is a principle that applies to the SRC President and it has clearly been violated in this case.

As such, I am referring Mcebo Dlamini for investigation to see whether disciplinary charges should be brought against him in this regard.

To all individuals to whom this incident may have caused offence, I want to apologise for the fact that someone who is deemed a leader in our community could have made such shocking and embarrassing statements. His behaviour in no way speaks to the values of Wits as an institution.

Professor Adam Habib, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, University of the Witwatersrand

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  1. nat cheiman

    April 28, 2015 at 3:26 pm

    ‘What does it matter, what his response is.

    Dlamini is your basic garden variety of idiot.

    He is at varsity for a jol. My guess is that he is lying when he says he has read about his uncle Adolf. I’m almost certain thath this cretin cannot read at all.

    Also, don’t hold your breath about Habib doing anything at all about cretin Dlamini. Habib likes to blow smoke.

    Someone should tell Dlamini that his uncle Adolf would have made biltong out of him had he moved to Germany. Dlamini is typical of the uneducated currently calling the shots in this country.

    He is not even a legend in his lunch hour.’

  2. chaim silver

    April 28, 2015 at 6:47 pm

    ‘i said before in a text, that is he loves hitler so much, he should do the same as him…commit suicide in some bunker or drain pipe.  we don’t need or want his ilk in our society. we have more than enough problems without him.’

  3. David

    April 30, 2015 at 4:23 am

    ‘How do we even comment on a person so void of any human empathy and any level of common  sense.

     He obviously has no understanding of the western culture he thinks he aspires to be part of, and certainly does not have any perception of the word and the culture of Ubuntu  – and here we are giving him oxygen.  Seems like a waste of space ‘

  4. shmuel

    April 30, 2015 at 2:39 pm

    ‘If Wits’s SRC chairman or whatever Dlamini cannot get his historical facts correct then the blame should be laid at Vice-Chancellor Adam Habib’s office,after all Habib caused all the current problems at Wits,no one else !’

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