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Letters/Discussion Forums

I’m waiting for Zapiro’s cartoon on French massacre



Allan Wolman
He has specialised in using his art form most effectively to demonise Israel – and Israel is where the Jews are – so he disguises his anti-Jewish sentiments using the façade of Israel.

I draw your attention specifically to the cartoon depicting the barmitzvah of Justice Richard Goldstone’s grandson. See just how he caricatures the rabbi and other shul officials!

Yet, I have never seen a Zapiro cartoon depicting any Islam-related issue. I wonder why?

Is it okay to demonise the Jews because he himself is a Jew? Perhaps he can well argue this point, namely that he is mocking himself? But this is very questionable.

But let’s see those satirical skills he uses so effectively in the aftermath of the murder of his 12 French colleagues in Paris. There’s a test for his mettle!


Rosebank, Johannesburg


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  1. Gerda Timmermans

    January 15, 2015 at 9:08 am

    ‘Agree with Allan Wolman – let’s see how big Zapiro’s brave is!’

  2. Jonni

    January 16, 2015 at 3:21 am

    ‘Zapiro is the typical loonie leftwing pc cartoonist who is biased and prejudiced against anything Jewish.

    His silence on these dastardly deeds committed in Paris expose him as a hypocrite and a mendacious purveyor of the demonisation of Jews  and their homeland.

    He is a defender of fraudulent idealism.’

  3. nat cheiman

    January 16, 2015 at 12:39 pm

    ‘Zapiro is a cartoonist/satirist and its his job to act like a poephol. leave him  alone. He’s a yid and I’m sure he’s not anti jewish. Lets not act or be like those \”you know who\”

    people that can’t take a joke. Sometimes its offensive and so is porn. We need not look at it.

    Give the guy a break. He’s only a lunatic trying to make a decent living.


  4. Myron Robinson

    January 21, 2015 at 8:48 am

    ‘Come on Zapiro prove us wrong or are our suspicions correct.’

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