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Its toe-to-toe in the trenches on campuses around the country. SAUJS is standing their ground against almost insurmountable odds – but with the assistance of the SA Community, Organisations, imports and a lot of diligent planning.

As well as fairness being shown and contracts being signed on the biggest and most politicised campuses – Wits and UCT.

The latest reports are available in the download of today’s newspaper which is attached to this newsletter/website. SA Jewish Report Online has spoken to every campus in the country where SAUJS is represented and we will be giving users a complete update on Thursday morning.

In the meantime, our kids are not being intimidated and are standing their ground. G-d watch over them all. A senior Jewish leader told SAJR today that the time for SA Jewry to be silent is over!

A choice story

Israeli Zionist protagonist Laurence Seeff met with UCT student Zahra in the SAUJS tent on Tuesday. “Her great grandfather was a Jewish Egyptian who was forced to convert to Islam,” explains Laurence. Zahra was born in SA as her father was journalist for AlJazeera and one of his first postings was to SA.

IAW #2 CT Zahara & LaurenceHer father’s international postings meant she grew up in Qatar, Dubai and Saudi Arabia as well.

“She is a devoted Muslim,” Laurence told Jewish report, but she has come back to SA to study because of the repression of Muslim women in the M-East. She popped into the SAUJS tent to ask, as a matter of interest, how the Jewish world was for women.

In Saudi Arabia, for instance, she told Laurence that if her house was on fire and she ran out on her own to escape the flames, she would be committing a serious Sharia offence.

Zahra, who did not proffer her surname or what she was studying, was very relaxed among the Jewish and Israeli students. “She is devoted to Islam,” explained Laurence. But she told him that the way the religion is practiced in much of the Arab world is wrong.

“I felt very similar to her and there was a complete absence of division,” says Laurence. “She wants to see a Saudi apartheid week highlighting the oppression of women in Muslim countries.”

Israeli expat Laurence Seeff who specialises in Zionist advocacy was brought out for IAW by the SAZF and Likud-SA. He has been on campuses and addressing Zionist organisations in the use of social media platforms. He will be giving a talk at Beyachad in Joburg on Thursday night and anyone wanting to attend should contact the Fed to book.

Latest reads on IAW from around the world

While reports that: South African Church Leaders Endorse Israeli Apartheid Week, Christian Zionists representing over 20-million SA citizens came together last Sunday to support Israel! 

Israeli Apartheid Week 2014 – is this the beginning of the end? This question is posed in the JEWISH quoting SA’s success this year in counter actions. “Israeli Apartheid Week is now at its peak,” writes the, “but this year, unlike any other year before, it is followed by a wind of change!” 

Palestinian Christians will be Israel’s ‘coloureds’ – A new divide-and-rule labour law that assists minorities has strong echoes of SA’s apartheid era, writes Jewish-apologist Heidi-Jane Esakov in the Cape Argus.

Follow IAW on Jewish Report Online

(Search for over 99 IAW-related stories from the Jewish Report Online Archives – here’s the pick of the crop)

11 MARCH 2013: IAW Day#1: “A pathetically poor show”

10 MARCH 2013: Israel Apartheid Week will test Habib’s resolve

5 MARCH 2013: Adam Habib cracks the disciplinary whip hard

23 FEB 2013: “SA Lawyers for Israel” get up & running

19 FEB 2013: IAW kicks off in UK & USA next week

6 FEB 2013:  New body to pressurise BDS & Varsities

8 Jan 2013: 10,000 read of Rhodes, BDS & IAW debacles

27 DEC 2012: Jewish Report Online stands up for Israel & against BDS

1 OCT 2012: Rhodes debate issue leaves IAW questions unanswered

A dedicated ANTI IAW WEBSITE (check it out) will also be updated daily. SAJR Online’s own library of VIDEOS is carrying messages that can be used. This is the first year that BDS has not managed to sign up a single University or SRC to back IAW.


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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. UCT Student

    March 16, 2014 at 7:50 pm

    ‘Just spoke with the person this article claims to represent and as I suspected, she confirmed it’s propagandist agenda.’

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