Letters/Discussion Forums
If you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones
Avner Eliyahu Romm
There is hardly anything to respond to in Olga-May Musnitzky’s letter in which she attacks my previous letter in which I clearly explained why, in my opinion, Elie Wiesel was not a saint, to say the least.
I want to point to the obvious fact that she didn’t put up any argument for anything which I wrote. Indeed, what did Wiesel do in memory of non-Jewish Second World War victims, if he was “such a great” person, as she and others state? I guess the answer is obvious and can be summed up in one word…
Regarding the letter of Grant Gochin from Los Angeles about anti-Semitism in Lithuania, I am not going to go into this complicated subject but would like to comment on a very strange point in his letter, where he states that Nazi values were taught to children in Nazi Germany and “racist” values were taught to children in… apartheid South Africa.
May I ask what were those “racist” values? Maybe the fact that a large proportion of the land in South Africa, or at least in its eastern part, was paid for by the Voortrekkers, unlike the settlers in what today is the US, who just massacred the original inhabitants of the place, confiscated their land and didn’t even grant them any autonomous homeland.
And what about the fact that Los Angeles, along with many states in the US, had been forcefully confiscated from Mexico?
I really think anyone who lives in a house made of glass should not throw stones at other people’s windows.