
In defence of Rabbi Kurtstag

I have not written to your paper of late, but from time to time, a Hillul Hashem takes place that compels me to take up my pen once more. Such is the case with the diatribe by Alice Goldman, who wrote a letter in last week’s issue against Moreinu HaRav HaGaon Moshe Kurtstag, shlita.



Rabbi Ben Isaacson, Johannesburg

Kurtstag, a world-respected Talmid Chacham, who, together with our no less world-respected Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein, has brought a Kiddush Hashem to our Jewish community.

The writer, a mistress of ignorance par excellence, has outdone the world of anti-Semitism with this scurrilous attack. According to my legal adviser, the language she uses, such as “Rabbi Kurtstag and his band of merrymen”, could be defined as being against the law and blasphemous.

If she is a member of an Orthodox shul, she should be immediately expelled, unless she does teshuva and goes to the mikveh. I’m not sure that even that can, in terms of halacha, fully atone for the public insult to our religious authorities.

My dear editor, you should apologise for printing such filth. There is a limit to freedom of speech!



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