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Indulge your family in JR’s new competition





Take a deep breath and picture this… For six whole months, you and your family could enjoy a host of personalised home-based fitness training and assessment from some of SA’s leading experts in their respective fields. Even better – our boffins will ensure that the time you spend training will give your body the most benefit and do the least damage.

And, should a member of your family overdo it at any stage, our prize-package even includes home-based physiotherapy should you need it.

At the end of the six months, the member of the family who elected to have a heart-rate zone and body composition assessment (with one of SA’s most authoritative health and fitness scientists), will get the chance to have at the same assessment repeated and to see how they have down towards achieving their personal goals.

Make no mistake, readers, this is not a slap-dash competition. The prize-pool has been very carefully put together to ensure that when we say we are offering you a PERSONALISED FAMILY FITNESS PACKAGE worth well over R20,000 – we have ensured that you will have access to an absolute “dream-team” of experts in a wide spectrum of disciplines.

This is without doubt, the biggest and best prize we have offered since starting the website and the competition is going to be tough. This is a prize that every family would love to win. So, to ensure that the keenest readers and users have a better chance of winning, we will be allowing multiple entries with the only stipulation being that only one entry from any one e-mail address will be allowed per week.

Stunning prizes 

With such an incredible prize and users being able to make multiple entries by multiple members of families, we expect many more than our previous record when we gave away an R8000 LUXURY WEEKEND last year.

Jewish Report readers, users and social media contacts will have four weeks, between now and Friday 20 November, to be able to very simply enter the competition.

The winning family will be advised by e-mail on Sunday 22 November, announced on the Jewish Report website and social media platforms on Monday 23 November, and appear in the print publication in the week of 27 November.

The prize-giving will be held on the evening of Wednesday 25 November at CycleZone in Rosebank.This will include talks by training specialists as well as product demonstrations. Light kosher refreshments will be served and all Jewish Report readers are welcome to attend (as long as they RSVP for catering purposes) and will have a chance to meet the various product and service suppliers. Readers who are attending the prize-giving will have the opportunity to pose questions both to the speakers as well as the prize-service providers.

The lucky winning family will be able to meet the service providers and, should they choose, make arrangements to begin receiving their prizes.

Nu, so what exactly is this stunning prize?


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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Roni Hirschowitz

    October 22, 2015 at 10:44 am

    ‘My family’s fitness situation’s in dire straits.

    \nRoni has entered on the wrong page – we have re-posted the entry for him at :

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