Inkatha Freedom Party
Inkatha Freedom Party
Why should the Jewish community vote for you?
The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) has had a long friendship with the Jewish community, characterised by mutual respect and productive partnerships towards good governance, community development, and service to South Africa.
For years, we called for the de-escalation of tensions between Israel and Palestine, for negotiations, non-violence, and a two-state solution.
We’ve condemned the acts of terrorism committed by Hamas, and have urged the international community, including the United Nations and relevant stakeholders, to support and facilitate peace efforts, providing the necessary diplomatic, humanitarian, and financial assistance.
The IFP is determined to uphold the democratic rights of all South Africans, and recognises the immense contribution of the Jewish community to South Africa’s liberation struggle, economic development, and the pursuit of social justice.
The South African Jewish community feels let down by the government and isolated in the country. What will you do to make sure that South Africa is a welcoming place for the community?
The IFP will continue to stand up for the rights of every South African and to promote social cohesion through cross-cultural exchange. We don’t support the isolation or alienation of any group of citizens within South Africa.
What’s your stance on South Africa taking Israel to the International Court of Justice?
It’s indisputable that the conflict has cost too many civilian lives, and that both sides need to step back, but the IFP is disappointed in the African National Congress (ANC) government’s sudden embrace of Iran and Hamas. It’s nothing less than risible that the very same lot, who for years have engaged in the systematic plundering of their own people, have suddenly become champions of justice and altruistic fighters for the oppressed.
Antisemitism has been on the rise in South Africa, as demonstrated in the Judicial Services Commission, Cricket SA, and Parliament with attacks on Jewish institutions and schools. What do you plan to do to tackle antisemitism of this nature?
The IFP is strongly opposed to unfair discrimination of any kind and considers antisemitism reprehensible in the extreme. We seek to entrench the IFP’s values of respect, inclusivity, and human dignity in all aspects of society through an IFP-led government.
What’s your position on the relationship between Israel and South Africa? What would you like it to be?
The IFP deeply regrets the biased position taken by the South African government, which serves the ANC’s interests above the interests of our country and our people. We value the strong partnerships South Africa and Israel have enjoyed for so many years, and don’t believe this history should simply be discarded.
Should South Africa open its embassy in Israel and return its ambassador. If so why? If not, why not?
The IFP believes in keeping the door to dialogue open. Breaking diplomatic ties is counter-productive to maintaining constructive dialogue.
Would the IFP go into coalition with the ANC to govern KwaZulu-Natal or the country? If so, why? If not, why not?
The IFP is a signatory to the multi-party charter, which commits a group of opposition parties with similar values to forming a coalition government in order to remove the ANC from power. That’s our foremost goal. We recognise, however, that if the multi-party charter fails to achieve the threshold of 50% plus one, which would enable us to form a government, the best way forward in the interests of our country would need to be found, as governance cannot come to a standstill. The IFP believes that in that circumstance, a grand coalition government may be the most viable option.

Nicholas Mbele
May 9, 2024 at 8:26 pm
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