Inspirational KDS educator awarded doctorate
Elizabeth Leaver, head of the Department of English at King David High School, Victory Park, was awarded her doctorate in English literature in September at a graduation ceremony of the University of Pretoria.
Leaver is an influential and inspirational educator, esteemed both within the Johannesburg Jewish community and more broadly in the context of English education in South Africa.
Her ability to instil a vigorous intellectual curiosity in those whom she teaches, is legendary; and, by studying further herself, she has set an outstanding example of the pleasures and rewards that a love of learning brings.
She is passionate about Victorian literature. After completing a Master’s degree at Wits on the work of Elizabeth Gaskell, she enrolled four years ago for a doctorate at the University of Pretoria, under the supervision of Prof David Medalie.
The topic of her doctoral thesis was the work of Anne Brontë, the least known of the three remarkable Brontë sisters. Anne, the author of two novels, Agnes Grey and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, has for a century and a half been overshadowed by her more famous sisters, Emily and Charlotte.
New critical appreciation
But in recent years a new critical appreciation of Anne’s work has emerged and Leaver’s study forms part of that revisionist trend. In it, she demonstrates compellingly that Anne’s novels deal with a number of core Victorian concerns, including the status and predicament of women in mid-Victorian society.
She also explores the intricate narrative structure used by Brontë, especially in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.
The examiners of her thesis were three noted scholars of Victorian literature from the UK, Canada and the University of Cape Town. They offered unanimously glowing assessments of the study, hailing it as a work of remarkable, even ground-breaking scholarship.
Among those most proud of her achievements are the young people in her classes, who know how challenging it has been for Leaver to make time for her studies amidst her obligations at the school.
Julia Chaskalson, a member of the 2013 matric class, offered the following tribute:
“Dr Leaver is an extraordinary teacher. Her classes have a warm and open atmosphere, and her quirky mannerisms and witty punchlines put the students at ease from day one.
“She is also a remarkably intensive teacher; she enriches her students with profound and structured class discussions, and thoroughly perspicacious analysis of all of our texts and poems. Her expertise and genuine love of literature bring these texts to life, and inspire her students.
“She is incredibly loyal and consistent, and will make great personal sacrifices to ensure that her students feel prepared. Over and above all of this, however, what makes her stand out as a teacher is her sincere regard and concern for each student.”
- DAVID MEDALIE is himself an Old Davidian, an award-winning writer and a Professor in the Department of English at the University of Pretoria. He lives in Victory Park and commutes

Bill Cissell
September 13, 2016 at 11:55 pm
‘Liz, I hope this is the young lady who was the foreign student in Sturgis, SD, in 1965. I am the young man you asked to drive you out to Blair’s so you could retrieve an item. Would simply love to hear from you. David Super said he had been in contact with your hubby.