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Ironically, Palestinian terror-mongers paint themselves as the victims!



Gary Selikow. Johannesburg

The Muslims (now joined by the international left), after realising they could never win militarily alone, launched a two-pronged strategy of terror and created the greatest propaganda machine since the Third Reich – perhaps even greater.

Israel has certainly gained the ability to defend and the Palestinians have suffered casualties, but however much they might be suffering heavier casualties, they continue.

They are the aggressors who have been attempting genocide against Israel’s population for nearly a century. While Israel has always engaged in defensive measures and targeted terror networks, the Arabs have always aimed at murder of Israel’s civilian population.

In his book “Claim of Dispossession”, Arieh Avneri proves that most of those Arabs who lived in Palestine in 1948 were descendants of migrants over the previous 100 years, from Egypt, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Turkey, Bosnia and elsewhere.

He essentially reminds us of the roots of the conflict between Israel and the Arab world.

Massive Egyptian colonisation of Palestine in the 19th century led to hundreds of Egyptian settlements across the Holy Land. The Egyptians displaced a number of Druze, who had been living in Palestine for centuries, unlike the Arabs.

During the British mandate, a large number of migrants came to Palestine from the Hauran region of Syria. They were attracted by the development and employment by the Zionist enterprises, as well as being given incentives by the British, who reneged on their 1917 promise of a Jewish homeland in the ancient Land of Israel.

During the pogroms against Jews in Israel by the Arabs, in  the 20s and 30s, many mercenaries came to help spread terror against the Jewish returnees, especially from Lebanon and Syria.

The land was bought with huge sums pf money by the Jews, from absentee Arab landlords and Arab tribes, but still the Jews did all they could to help the Arabs there farm the land and contributed to health, education and development of the Arab populations.

Today Palestinian privilege means Palestinians can stab Jewish children to death in their beds, attack Jewish babies in strollers, murder Jewish parents in front of kids, send rockets to Israeli civilians, and still be regarded as the victim.

Every decent person in the world will stand by Israel in her hour of need and will say to those who mean her harm: “Stop bullying Israel! Israel will not become one more Islamic state!”

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1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    November 10, 2016 at 2:57 pm

    ‘Judea and Samarea must be Israeli. No Palestinians.

    There are more than 50 Muslim countries they can go to.’

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