
‘ISIS pamphlets in Glenhazel’- a hoax

When people on the streets of the suburb of Glenhazel in Johannesburg last Sunday morning picked up pamphlets that were being distributed there, they were shocked.




“Today be human and help free Palestine,” they read. “The enemy should prepare coffins because we will respond quickly and decisively in the depths of the Zionist entity.” The wording on the pamphlets implied they had been written by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). 

The CSO immediately investigated the matter and dispelled any concerns over the veracity of the pamphlets.

“We believe that the people who disseminated these pamphlets possibly have a vendetta against an individual, whose name appeared at the bottom of the pamphlets,” said a CSO spokesman. “In addition to this, we believe that their intentions were to create fear and panic in the community.

“Although we are aware that a real threat exists in our community, and Jewish communities around the world, we do not believe that this matter is in any way terror related.”

The CSO reiterated the importance of remaining vigilant at all times and reporting anything suspicious or concerning to them immediately on 0861800018.


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