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Israel government crossing the line, says SISO SA



Signed by the SISO SA Board

The last few weeks, however, have been deeply distressing for many Jews who care about its future. Sadly, the current government of Israel has crossed serious red lines of decent conduct, which we feel the need to protest.

PROTESTS IN THE GAZA STRIP: On March 30 2018, Israeli army soldiers used live ammunition against mostly unarmed Palestinian protesters at the Gaza border fence. Seventeen people were killed, including a journalist, and hundreds were wounded. The protest itself included incidents of violence and Hamas’ calls for a March of Return were strongly liable to be interpreted by Israelis as hostile and inflammatory. Nevertheless, firing live ammunition at unarmed protesters is unacceptable. Even when under pressure, Israel must abide by basic moral and legal norms; this is both a Jewish and a universal imperative.

AFRICAN MIGRANTS: On April 3 2018, the Prime Minister of Israel announced an agreement with the United Nations of a reasonable solution to provide certainty to African migrants in Israel regarding their lives. Several hours later, he suspended and later cancelled this agreement, again leaving vulnerable people in a state of insecurity concerning their future. Apart from the violation of the norms of good governance and decency, this decision played recklessly with people’s lives. A central norm of Jewish ethics is to “love the stranger” in our land and to care for those in need.

ATTACKS ON HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANISATIONS: To compound matters, the Prime Minister then issued a scathing attack on the New Israel Fund, which supports a myriad of civil society organisations doing tremendous good to bolster decent values in Israeli society: democracy, human rights, mutuality and co-operation. Instead of facing down those who opposed the migrant agreement, the Prime Minister chose to deflect attention through scapegoating those who support the rights of this vulnerable population.

As South African Jews, we express deep concern at these events. Repression of protests leads to pain, suffering and death but cannot, ultimately, prevail. Only negotiations and a genuine attempt to address underlying injustices can offer a solution. Whilst both Palestinians and Israelis have a crucial role to play in doing so, as Jews, we address fellow Jews in Israel and the Diaspora.

Read full statement here:


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1 Comment

  1. Gary Selikow

    April 20, 2018 at 8:48 am

    ‘The Palestinian protesters stormed the Israeli border with the aim of supporting the genocidal ‘Right of Return’ Those killed were member of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and dreamed of gruesomely butchering every Israeli man, woman and child. 

    It is beyond me how Jews can sympathize with them’

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