
Israel Higher education Expo is in CT, Jhb

The Israel Centre has brought representatives of six Masa-related higher learning institutions in Israel to South Africa to meet and talk on their institutions to SA Jewry in Cape Town and Johannesburg.




Contact details below

The representatives are visiting Cape Town this week and will be in Johannesburg for the Israel Expo at the Sandton Convention Centre on Sunday. They are also speaking at Jewish day schools and other schools in the two cities which have a large number of Jewish students and are holding one-on-one meetings with prospective students and their parents.

The Masa programme is designed to attract international Jewish students to study in Israel and offers scholarships and bursaries towards this end.

Most of the delegates still have some one-on-one appointments available and their contact numbers in South Africa appear on the Jewish Report Online website for interested students and their parents.

  • Technion – which offers engineering degrees taught in English. Giselle Rothman, who works in international recruitment and marketing, is the delegate.
  • IDC – Stephanie Miller, the head registrar of the International school, is the representative. She is ex-SA and made Aliyah (from Paarl) 27 years ago. It boasts the largest number of students studying in English in Israel.
  • Hebrew University – is represented by SA-based Carmel Krawitz who is the executive director of SA Friends of the Hebrew University and Cassi Gewer – a student at Hebrew U who is from King David Linksfield (Class of 2013) and has made Aliyah.
  • The Aardvark gap-year programme – represented by Amy Gross, the co-ordinator of admission and recruitment. Aardvark offers gap-year and study abroad programme for ages 17 to 21 and is located in both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. They offer a nine month two-semester programme in which students spend half the time in Jerusalem and the other half at the Tel Aviv campus. Students can also elect to do one semester and pick the campus of their choice.
  • Israel Experience – an associated arm of the Jewish Agency and offers short and long term programmes. Represented by Noa Metuki, who is programmes director and is in charge of the SA and Australian desk at the English speaking countries division. Israel Experience creates life-changing experiences in Israel for youth and adults, from two-week to year-long programmes which are infinitely tailored to suit the needs of the students.

All of the study opportunities are linked to MASA and hence offer Jewish Agency-funded scholarships for students who need assistance. All offer either on-campus residences or nearby off-campus accommodation which they hire and sub-let to students.

More details to be added on the institutions and on MASA tomorrow, but for those who want to contact the representatives of the institutions, here are the contact details.

Technion – Giselle Rothman on 062 231-9546 or

IDC – Stephanie Miller on 081 875-3151

Hebrew University – Carmel Krawitz at 011 645-2506, email and website: – Facebook South African Friends of the Hebrew University

Aardvark – gap year program – Amy Gross on 081 869-1479 or

Israel Experience – Noa Metuki on 072 094-6840 or and website:

What does MASA do?

Masa Israel was established in 2004 with the vision that all Jewish young adults would have the opportunity to spend a semester to a year in Israel. We believe that long-term experiences in Israel can effectively shape and inspire the next generation of Jewish leaders and strengthen their connection to the Jewish people and to Israel.

Through their work, they have grown the number of individuals participating in such programmes from a few thousand each year to over 10,000 participants annually. 

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