
Israel, Isis and the future of the world

“In relation to the 2008-‘09 Gaza conflict, no army in the history of warfare had taken greater steps than the IDF to minimise harm to civilians in a combat zone. My observations during the 2014 conflict confirmed this. No other army that I have served in or alongside or that I have studied and researched, has yet taken such extensive precautions.” (Colonel Richard Kemp CBE). Kemp will be in SA as a guest of the SAZF this month and will be holding a public talk. See full story for details…




Colonel Richard Kemp has spent most of his life combating terrorism and insurgency. In his 30-year military career he commanded British troops on the front line in some of the world’s toughest hot spots.

The South African Zionist Federation says in a media release it will be presenting Kemp to the community on Thursday evening October 15 and his focus will be on the Arab-Israeli conflict as well as the horrors of ISIS.

There are a limited number of seats for this “one night only” discussion and early booking (see details at right) is advised

“Seats will be limited and booking is essential,” the SAZF says.

In 2003 Col Kemp was commander of British forces in Afghanistan. From 2002 – 2006 he worked in the British Prime Minister’s Office, heading the international terrorism team at the Joint Intelligence Committee. 

Concurrently he served as chairman of the strategic intelligence group at COBRA, the UK national crisis management committee, akin to the White House Situation Room. In 2006 he received a CBE.

In 2009, at an emergency session of the UN in Geneva, he vigorously refuted Mr Justice Richard Goldstone’s allegations of war crimes against the Israel Defence Forces during Operation Cast Lead.

Kemp was present during the Gaza operations Pillar of Defence in 2012 and Protective Edge in 2014 and when Operation Protective Edge ended, he gave a detailed briefing to the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee of the Knesset, providing his assessment of the way the conflict was conducted and the future in Gaza.

In February this year he gave evidence to the UN Commission of Inquiry investigating the Gaza conflict; and four months later he addressed the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, rejecting the Commission’s report.

In May this year, Bar-Ilan University in Israel bestowed an honorary doctorate on Kemp “in recognition of his stalwart battle against terrorism and terrorist organisations. Courageously defending Israel’s security policies and the morality of the IDF before the UN Human Rights Council, he has helped strengthen the standing of Israel throughout the world,” the university said.

Kemp is a regular columnist for The Times of London, frequently writes for other national and international newspapers and is a prolific contributor to television and radio news and current affairs programmes. 

He has undertaken successful speaking tours in the US, Canada, Australia and Europe and shared platforms with former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and former Australian Prime Minister John Howard.  * For more information on Col Kemp’s visit, call Lisa on (011) 645-2510 or e-mail


  1. Myron Robinson

    October 8, 2015 at 8:43 am

    ‘Yasher Koach. Try and get Col Kemp on the John Robbie show so that he can directly refute the biased attitude of John Robbie on that issue.’

  2. Alison Weston

    October 8, 2015 at 10:24 am

    ‘As I understand it Col Kemp will not be venturing to Cape Town?  An awful pity if this so as he really does have his finger on what is going on in the ME and is a superb orator.’

  3. Howard Silver

    October 8, 2015 at 10:33 am

    ‘like to attend this seminar’

  4. Eric Jacobson

    October 10, 2015 at 11:39 am

    ‘As important as this may be, the charge for attendance is not acceptable to me, especially since I and many others are pensioners’

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